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dude i'm really slacking over here

even though summer was still a few months away briar was really looking forward to it. her mother said yes, although, she would have to send her letters every week or so.

briar was approached by cedric, who was determined to hangout with her more. he had apologized for spending all of his time with cho and not making any time for briar.

"ced, you have a girlfriend. that means you are going to spend more time with her than your friends." she reassured.

just as those words left her mouth she remembered the twins going on about some party they wanted to host tomorrow night, "you know, fred and george were going on about a party they are gonna hold tomorrow night. you could come as my guest. maybe even bring cho if you want."

he nodded, agreeing, and she told him she would come and get him from the hufflepuff common room once it was time. he also told her it would just be them two because he wanted to focus on his best friend.


the next morning briar told cedric she would come by around 9 or 10 because she claimed, "it's better to be late to a party."

at lunch she saw cho was staring her down mercilessly. it felt as if daggers were going through her stomach.

at the end of the meal cho walked up to briar, stopping her from walking, "do you just want cedric all to yourself? is that why you don't want me, his girlfriend to come to your party later?" she looked as though she was about to cry. briar honestly felt bad for her.

"i said you could come. you still can if you want to. me and ced are just friends, honestly."

cho swallowed hard and breathed in before she nodded and walked away.

"what was that about?"

briar jumped looking back to see ron standing beside her looking at cho's hair bounce as she talked off.

"she thinks i'm trying to steal cedric away from her."

he abruptly stopped and looked over to her with what seemed like the most genuine face of seriousness, "are you?"

"what?! godric! no!" she exclaimed, "i've known him since forever, it would be like dating my brother." visually grimacing once the words left her mouth.

"could i stop by before the party tonight?" ron asked, changing the subject.

"like when i'm getting ready?"

he nodded.

"sure. why?"

"i um- it'sfunwatchingyouputonyourfacestuff." he said quickly.

"i beg your pardon?"

he sighed getting ready for her to laugh at him, "it's fun watching you put on your face stuff."

"my makeup?" briar laughed thinking that's what he meant by 'face stuff'

"erm, yeah. it's kinda... satisfying?" hoping he didn't sound creepy he bashfully smiled as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"yeah, sure. i have to go to get cedric before the party but you can come to my room before that when i'm getting ready."

"ok." he started, "don't get me wrong, you don't need makeup. but, it is cool watching it being put on."

"have you seen ginny wear it either?" briar questioned.

"probably, i don't know. she doesn't let me hangout in her room too much." he looked down to his moving feet.

"ah, well, that's usually how siblings are."

"do you have any?"

"no." she paused. "tell me about yours. like, tell me about your home and more about you, i already know wizards chess. and quidditch, but besides that you don't really talk about yourself that much."

"you want to hear about me?" he asked taken aback.

she nodded. starting to catch onto the fact that ron didn't get asked to talk about himself that often.

"right, well... there's bill, he's a curse breaker at gringotts and the oldest. then charlie, he looks after dragons in romania. bloody brilliant he is, both charlie and bill are the coolest in the family. next percy, he just got a job at the department of ministries, he's... different to say the least-"

"-elaborate." briar interrupted.

"erm- how do i put this? he's the most serious out of all of us, more like hermione to be honest." he laughed, "he's not really around anymore, too focused on his work. but anyways, then obviously you know fred and george, everyone knows them, they're great at quidditch. now me. and lastly ginny, who again, you know pretty well already."

"yeah, but tell me more about you."

"there's not much to tell. you already know everything."

"well then tell me what you do at home with your siblings."

"again, not much. charlie and bill have each other, percy thinks he's better than all of us, so he goes off by himself, fred and george stick together, ginny is extremely independent. which leaves me. so i guess i have harry? but when we are all together, or most of us are all together, we'll play quidditch. last year we went to egypt."

"ok so, what do you do?"

"again, not much." he repeated himself laughing again, "usually just wait for harry to arrive. but when he isn't there i'll hangout with scabbers, although he's gone now... so i guess i'll be with pigwidgeon, although he's going to be so bloody annoying. all he does is make noise and fly around hitting the sides of his cage. plus he's extremely tiny, could probably fit in a teacup. i'll usually just take naps, play quidditch, eat, and i don't know what else, that's about it." he sighed "but... now ghat you will be there this summer, it won't be nearly as boring."

"who's scabbers?"

"he was my pet rat."

"what happened to him?" briar raised her eyebrow.

he chuckled awkwardly before telling the story, "uh, well..."

writing this reminded me how badly i want to give ron a hug. he deserves the world.

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