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slouched over her plate full of pancakes and stuffing her face while reading a book and listening to nirvana, she felt like she may actually be able to enjoy hogwarts. people didn't bother her often probably because whenever someone did she wouldn't hear them because she was either listening to music or deep in a chapter of a book.

"great godric i don't think i've ever seen someone eat that much food, well close to ron."

coincidentally her song ended right when she overheard someone say that. she looked up sending them a glare.

"i'm sorry that my eating habits disgust you." she replied with a blank expression.

she normally wasn't rude to people but sometimes she couldn't help her annoyance. no one had seen her get like that, mostly because no one really knew that much about her.

briar looked down the table and saw the golden trio, she picked up on that name for them after hearing the 'silver trio' use it and so on. krum walked up and sat down next to hermione talking her up while ron was staring at krum, kinda like the pack of girls that follow him around like a lost puppy. hermione seemed very uninterested she mostly guessed because everytime she's with her friends from beauxbatons hermione would stare longingly at the group of girls.

turning back to her food she looked down and saw she got a letter, she must have not heard the owls come in. the letter was about to fall from the stack of pancakes into her syrup. she grabbed it just in time and say her mother's handwriting on the front of the envelope.

briar aurora rose,

she ALWAYS would write letters to her with her full name.

i miss you very much, i suppose you are still mad at me because you haven't sent any letters about your time yet... be honest and tell me what you think of hogwarts. i contacted dumbledore and he told me so far you are doing well in school. i haven't heard much about friends but i did hear that the triwizard tournament is being held at hogwarts this year! that must be so exciting! i read in the paper that cedric and fleur entered and got picked to compete. i am glad that your friends from beauxbatons are there along with cedric so you don't feel entirely alone hopefully. please write back and tell me how your time is going, i miss you tons my love.


she honestly had totally forgotten about sending letters (partly because she didn't have her own owl, although she could use one of the school's owls) nonetheless she would make her way down to the owlery to write back. looking down and seeing she didn't have much left and suddenly felt full she gathered her stuff and left for the owlery.


the first task was coming up soon and cedric and fleur were very nervous. she tried to calm their nerves but there wasn't much she could do. another night she got out of bed planning on sneaking down to the kitchens. she heard voices. the same two voices she heard last time. she already woke up in a sour mood this morning and rolled her eyes having to wait for their quarrel to be over.

she suddenly heard something hit the other and flinched slightly. suddenly she heard footsteps again and figured that was her cue. she walked down and was surprised to see ron sitting in one of the chairs, conveniently facing her, with his head in his hands. his head shot up hearing her fall off the last step because she wasn't paying attention.

"ow" she whispered reaching for her foot after landing on it weirdly.

she heard shuffling and looked back up to see ron standing up. "i- um... didn't notice you were there."

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