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it was the middle of april.

the weather was getting warmer and the flowers were blooming.

it was a hogsmeade weekend so briar was excited to finally get out of school so she could go.

snape was her last class that day, he went on and on about the side effects of different potions.

everyone hated snape, he was a bully to students, was probably on voldemort's side for the first wizard war, and gave unbelievable amounts of work due in short spans of time.

but surprisingly snape wasn't briar's least favorite of the school faculty, she really really hated dumbledore. he was a hypocrite, favored the gryffindor house above all other houses, especially slytherin. but she felt mostly bad for hufflepuff and ravenclaw because it seemed like they never got the spotlight, that was until this year with cedric being in the triwizard tournament. but back to dumbledore, he always ALWAYS spoke in riddles (which briar grew sick of very quickly), also favored harry to a great amount showing his little to no interest in the other students of hogwarts, and let harry live with the dursley's even though he knew sirius black was there for harry AND wasn't guilty of the crimes against him, that put him in azkaban, (ron had told briar the whole story from the year before, briar asking questions and realizing that about dumbledore).

she was so lost in thought, she didn't even realize lavender brown standing next to her.

"snape said we are partners." she said with a blank stare.

"oh- um, i'm sorry." briar moved over making room for lavender to sit beside her.

"we're supposed to attempt to brew the calming draught."

suddenly snape made his voice heard, "i doubt any of you will be able to brew the potion correctly."

briar bit her lip before looking in her potions notebook for what ingredients they would need, "we already have peppermint..." briar spoke to herself, "we just need..." she looked up at lavender "lavender, could you get lavender." briar chuckled at the wittiness of her little joke. lavender though, didn't find it as amusing.

once lavender was done getting the ingredient briar noticed she forgot one, "ah, i'm sorry lavender i forgot to ask if you could get crocodile heart."

she groaned loudly causing briar to offer herself to go and get the crocodile heart instead.

as briar approached the table of ingredients, she reached for one of the heart's, her hand accidentally brushing up against someone else's.

she looked up to see a flush faced ron, "sorry." he rubbed his hand behind his neck and gestured for her to take one first. she looked up at him smiling greatfully as she picked one up. it was slimy in her soft hands, she could feel like dead veins outside of it.

"never expected i would be holding a crocodile's heart." she joked.

"it's bloody disgusting isn't it?" ron laughed. "you're telling me." briar nudged his shoulder, making sure she didn't drop the crocodile heart.

just before they both went their separate ways ron pulled her arm back with his free hand.

"erm- are you- are you going to hogsmeade later? or anytime this weekend?" he stuttered nervously.

"well, i was planning on it, yeah." she answered blushing slightly.

"great, well would you like to meet up down there after school? maybe at the three broomsticks?"

"yeah... it's a date." she blushed profusely as she turned her back to him, and walked towards her desk where lavender and her cauldron were sitting.

he was left there standing in awe that she just called it a 'date' soon getting yelled at by snape to get back to his seat.

'was it a date?' he thought to himself, 'should i dress as though it's a date? should i treat it as though it's a date? no, it's not a date. she was just saying that. i didn't even officially ask her, and she didn't officially ask me. if she wanted it to be a date she would have made it more clear it was a date. i want it to be a date. but no, that would freak her out. when i do ask her out, officially, i'll make it clear that it is a date.'

his mind raced as he sat down next to dean.

briar's mind was also running around in circles, as her heart did summersaults, 'why did i say, 'it's a date' it's not a date. he doesn't want it to be a date. if he did he would have said so. now he thinks i fancy him, doesn't he? merlin of course i don't. we are just hanging out as friends. nothing more nothing less.'

"what were you talking about?" lavender asked loudly, anchoring briar's mind back to reality.


"you and ron." she slid closer to her as if she was a detective, trying to get the truth out of a criminal.

"nothing." briar knitted her eyebrows together tightly.

lavender raised her's in suspicion, "it didn't seem like nothing..."

"well, it isn't what it seemed like then." briar snapped slightly, instantly feeling bad. lavender's eyes went wide, turning back to the unattempted potion sitting in front of them both.

briar instantly felt sick, she didn't mean to sound like a bitch. but in her defense, lavender knew she was pushing all the right buttons.

"so, what do we do first?" lavender asked, breaking the silence.

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