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tw: alcohol and drugs

her and cedric had a long conversation, briar getting more high as it went on. she was all giggly but also relaxed. at one point briar convinced cedric to get up with her and dance to a song she liked. she was honestly such an awkward dancer, but since she had a lot in her system her awkwardness faded away.

she was still pretty out of it, but stable enough to walk without falling over every five seconds.

she wasn't a lightweight, which is surprising because, well i don't know it's just surprising. it takes her a lot of drinks and drags to get high or drunk or whatever she wants to result in.

briar had made her way over to an empty table and was trying to get up on top of it.

"oh no, no, no, no, we are not doing this tonight b." cedric shouted over the music as he pulled her off the table.

"come on cedric. i wanna have some fun." she pouted, struggling to get out of his grasp.

"what's she doing?" ron asked as he walked over.

"she wants to dance on the table." cedric rolled his eyes.

"oi, come on mate, let her up if she wants to." cormac said stepping in.

"yeah. let me up if i want to. and i want to." she swayed once cedric loosened his grip.

"briar, i agree with cedric. you're just gonna make a fool of yourself." ron argued staring into briar's eyes.

she turned to look at him and stepped closer, "why do you care? you're not my boyfriend. i can do whatever i want."

"ok, i think we've had enough fun." cedric said pulling her up to her dorm. this time she didn't fight it.

"can you believe him? who does he think he is?" she questioned as they walked up the stairs. "it's just ron. and besides he kinda had a point..." cedric mumbled, which briar thankfully didn't hear.

as they entered her room, he helped her wash herself up. he helped her change into comfier clothes and tucked her into bed.

"i'm cold." she blurted out.

"well, do you have a jumper anywhere?" he asked looking around.

"maybe. check one of my trunks." she said sleepily.

he rummaged through her things until he found a sweater at the bottom of her trunk. "will this do?" he held it up to her and her face dropped, "that's ron's."

"why do you have ron's jumper?"

"i got cold one night." briar defended quickly, "it's fine i'll just... curl up, or something."

he lightly placed the sweater back on the trunk and went to go sit on her bed.

"you know, ron is really sweet." she though out loud, "makes warm hugs, his hair is soft, people don't realize how pretty he is." she didn't know how to stop the words from falling out of her mouth. but cedric just sat there and listened, and nodded, "do you think- possibly, maybe. you could fancy him?"

that seemed to wake her up a bit more, "what? no. i'm just admiring him. it's not attraction."

"hm. right." he whispered.

the music was muffled from all the way up in briar's dorm. her room had a very clean smell and atmosphere. it was much cooler than it was down there.

as briar slowly closed her eyes and breathed heavily, cedric stood up and made his way to the door.

"stay." she called out, "please. just sleep in the chair. i don't want to be alone."

he didn't say anything in response, he didn't need to say anything. he just walked over to a cushioned chair and slumped down into it, pulling a spare blanket over him.


"oh godric. i feel like shit." briar sat up rubbing the side of her head.

cedric was already awake, playing with toulouse on the floor. "good morning sleeping beauty."

"thank merlin we don't have classes." she sighed flopping back down into her pillow, "what happened last night?"

"i'm sorry b, i would love to stay and chat but i promised i'd meet cho for breakfast and i'm already late. i didn't want to leave while you were still asleep and have you wake up alone."

"oh, right, right. of course, go have fun. i'll see you later?"

he nodded and left the room quickly.


after showering all of the previous night's dirt off of her, and brushing the smell of fire whiskey from her mouth, she walked down to the common room and saw ginny sitting on the couch with hermione.

once they had heard someone enter the room ginny turned towards her, "brilliant, you're here." she walked over to briar and put an arm around her shoulder, "you were quite the firecracker last night."

ignoring what ginny said briar turned to hermione, "i didn't see you down here last night. did i miss you?"

ginny snorted loudly as hermione blushed, "i don't do parties. with all of these classes i need all the study time i can get. i cant be partying when there's a chance of failing." she said sternly.

"ah, i see." briar nodded not too surprised with her answer.

"well come on, you must be starving." ginny walked them to the portrait door and climbed out of the exit.

"what happened last night?" briar finally asked once they sat down at the gryffindor table.

ginny started laughing, "do you really want me to tell you?"

briar nodded as she bit into a piece of bacon.

"first, you played spin the bottle-"

"-oh i remember that." briar interrupted.

"then, you got into it with ron about spin the bottle because it landed on harry." ginny looked down as she said harry's name, "and then, you tried to get up onto a table to dance and argued with ron a bit more. lastly, you left with cedric and everyone made up a rumor you were shagging him."

"WHAT?! cedric is like a brother to me! oh god what does cedric think, what does ron think, what does cho think?! this isn't good."

"you're telling me." ginny commented.

briar looked over to the ravenclaw table to see cho death stating her. then she looked over to the hufflepuff table and saw cedric looking very tired as his friends teased him. and lastly she looked around the table for ron to see lavender brown attached to his arm, avoiding her view.

this wasn't going to end well...

i don't think it's that weird that cedric helped briar undress and get dressed because they are like brother and sister. but idk i could be wrong it could be weird.

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