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it was the day before the yule ball. no one was able to focus on their schoolwork even the people who weren't attending.

it seemed as though other people besides briar got their own rooms, one being ron. while harry wasn't as fortunate. ron was in harry's room which he shared with neville, dean, and seamus. "so did you lot find a date?" seamus asked.

ron rolled his eyes, "yes finally. how about you guys?"

"lavender." seamus said proudly. "ginny." neville said quietly hoping ron wouldn't kill him. "briar." dean finished before ron could speak up. suddenly looking from neville to dean his face contorted into a sour expression. "briar? you're going with briar?" dean nodded in reply. suddenly coming back to reality ron turned back to neville, "my own bloody sister?" neville's face flushed a deep red as he fiddled with his shirt, "well i asked hermione first- but she said no. so i asked ginny. if that's alright..."

"so my sister is your second option?!" ron yelled. dean looked over to neville apologetically. "ron i'm sorry i can tell her i'm sick or something." he shook his head, "no! you are going to go with her and give her the best time!" soon realizing what he said he continued on, "don't... tell her i told you that- alright?" neville nodded eagerly to try and leave current conversation topic.

turning back to dean ron couldn't help himself, "well- do you fancy her?"

dean hesitated before answering, "well she is very pretty but i only really see her as a friend. plus there's other people who fancy her i would be competing against a long list."

"what? who?"

dean shrugged not really wanting to talk about it anymore before leaving the room to go to the loo.

"do people really fancy her?" ron asked turning to harry. he shrugged "like dean said, she's very pretty. i wouldn't put it past people to notice that." furrowing his brows he stalked back to his room.

'he's lying. no one likes her. i mean sure she's nice, pretty, funny, and stuff but no i would see if people stared.' he thought to himself as he entered his room.


sitting down in the library reading briar got a tap on her shoulder to look over and not see anyone there then looked to her other side to see cedric lowering into the seat next to her. he held something out to her, "early christmas present." she looked down at the bag he was holding out to her. she reached out and took it taking out the tissue paper.

"persuasion" she read. cedric nodded as he smiled "i know you like jane austen and, well i hadn't seen you read that one yet so i thought i'd get it for you."

"ced it's perfect. i love it, thank you."

hugging him she turned to her bag "coincidentally i actually have your gift on me." pulling out a yellow sweater with the number six on it. "i'm sorry it isn't wrapped. i just got finished today." handing it to him he unfolded it as a smile grew to his face "b, i love it. and that's my quidditch number!" he said pointing to the number six. "well i noticed some of your seaters have gotten too small on you, so i thought i would make you a new one." he looked down at her engulfing her into a tight hug.

seeing as though it was time for lunch they left together to the great hall. they chatted about things they hadn't told the other yet, like who their dates were for the ball, and anything else that came to mind.

"you know, i would have asked you to the ball..." cedric said shyly.

"oh please, don't feel bad for not asking me. you like cho! and i'm very happy for you."

he nodded as they entered the hall and went their separate ways.


the common room was almost empty. the only people in there were a few girls, lots of boys, and the years that couldn't attend who weren't elsewhere. "why aren't you up getting ready like the other girls? i thought you were going?" ron asked. "oh no i am. but there's still like three hours till the ball. i only need about two? maybe not even."

"two?!" ron and harry said in unison. "well yes, i will have to shower, which shouldn't take too long. do makeup, hair, put on my dress, and shoes, and that shouldn't take too long either. then i have to pack a bag. and say goodbye to toulouse. so honestly... maybe an hour and a half? if i also want time to relax." she said as she looked at them with confused faces. seeing their faces she continued, "well what do you lot have to do?"

fred and george took the reigns on this one "shower, won't take long at all, get dressed, what five minutes? cologne, the most 20 seconds, and yeah that's it. so half hour tops."

she simply smiled at the fact of how girls put in so much effort to look nice and guys just throw on clothes and walk out the door. "well i have about an hour, so what shall we do?"

"wizards chess?"

"sure ron."

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