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let's take a moment to admire the dress... (imagine it without the frilly fabric on the straps, just normal straps)

after winning a round against ron she triumphantly walked up to the bathroom to get a shower. afterwards she used a drying spell on her wet hair then went into her room to get her dress on and start on her makeup and hair. she did some eyeliner with some lilac accents under her eyes, concealer, lip gloss and mascara. she wore black converse (yes we are quirky) because she knew she would hate walking around in heels. for her hair she waved her hair slightly and added volume to the roots. she put on a gold chain choker, gold rose dangling earrings, and gold rings. lastly she put a small book in one of the dress's pockets. realizing she was already 15 minutes late because she sat in front of the mirror staring at herself for quite a while, she patted toulouse's head and left.


23 minutes. she didn't want dean to be kept waiting or people's eyes to be on her so she picked up her dress and started running slightly down the halls, being glad she decided against wearing heels. she turned to the top of the stairs examining how the room was decorated.

"wow, she looks beautiful."


turning around he saw briar start down the stairs. he didn't take his eyes off of her until she walked over to dean. he looked around to see other people were staring too, putting his head down embarrassed.

"briar... you look- look very nice." dean said stumbling on his words. she just rolled her eyes, smiled, and pulled him onto the dance floor where she started jumping around dancing in the weirdest way he had ever seen. dean looking very off put by how confident she was being, slowly started getting into it too.

after a few dances she was getting tired and ran over to get a drink. ron seeing his chance ran up to her "so dean wasn't lying? you did actually come with him?" she looked at him confused but with a big smile, "yeah, i mean no one else asked me... thought why not." she was blushing like a maniac either from dancing so hard or just from how happy she was. before he could reply she started back towards dean who was sitting at the table he was too. he stalked slowly behind her. she sat down next to him talking to harry and the patil twins. she was glowing, she wasn't shy, stumbling over what she was saying, she was confident, like she didn't have a care in the world. it was weird to see.

sitting back down in his seat he heard dean telling her to come outside with him. he was gonna try and snog her, wasnt he? "are we gonna dance or not?" his date said.



"where are we going?"

"you look really nice briar."

"you've said that already." she said rolling her eyes playfully. he led her out the doors outside where it was starting to snow. "you look really nice too dean."

they leaned against a wall and just as they started talking snape came running over looking out of breath. "thomas! ten points from gryffindor!"

"but we weren't doing anything?" he said confused.

"that's it. your coming with me." snape said taking a fistful of his robes and dragged him back inside.

if she was being honest, she was kind of glad dean got taken away. she was scared he would try and make a move and she wasn't very good at rejecting people. suddenly realizing how cold it was outside she was about to turn to go back inside when she saw ron walking out the same doors looking around until his eyes fell on her. he walked towards her with his hands in his pockets. "i saw dean got taken away."

"yeah." she replied starting to shiver. realizing ron slowly took off his robe and put it on her shoulders. "thank you ron. did i mention i love your dress robes?" she thanked him smiling. he shook his head in embarrassment. after a couple seconds of silence he spoke up again, "why did you come with him?" dumbfounded she looked up at him "i already told you, he was the only one who asked me."

"he's a sly git." ron said shaking his head. she furrowed her eyebrows "how so?" sighing he said "he just is."

"well i think he's nice."

not wanting to add fuel to the fire he pushed down his response. "i'm going back in..." she slowly gave back his robe swiftly walking past him.

realizing her date was gone and her friends were all either their dates, she sat down at a clear table opening the book that was in her pocket.

"you brought a book to the dance?" a voice said behind her. she closed the book and turned around to see who was bothering her. a boy she didn't recognize, he had brown fluffy hair, piercing brown eyes, and an elegant suit on. "do i know you?" she asked. "ouch, i'm jessie- jessie wilde." he replied faking being offended by her not knowing him. she sat himself down next to her looking at what she was reading, "persuasion." she nodded putting the book away. he continued, "i transferred late in the year, got here just about a week ago. didnt get sorted in front of everyone, i'm a gryffindor, i've seen you in the common room earlier in the week. only one room was left, with a red head who barely talks. i'm in a few of your classes too... would you like to dance?"

she weighed her options again, her date was gone, this jessie kid seemed nice and was showing interest in her. "why not." taking her hand he lead her onto the floor just as a slow song started. she knew it would be rude to leave just because there was a slow song, so she stayed, clasping her hands together behind his neck as he laid his hands on her hips. a little too low for her taste but she didn't want to say anything. "you are very pretty you know."

"you're not too shabby yourself."

walking back inside to apologize ron saw she was dancing with his new dorm mate. he sat back down with harry at the table where their dates left them. "fancy a walk?" harry asked. he nodded as he stood back up again walking outside into the cold.


"goodnight briar." jessie said before she walked off to her room. starting to lean down towards her, her eyes widened. thankfully being interrupted by the portrait door swinging open with harry and ron stumbling into the common room chatting about giants. "goodnight." she quickly said before turning on her heel.

ron and harry went straight up to their rooms sulking in the fact of how badly their nights went. to make the night worse jessie walked into the dorm room he know shared with ron. undoing his shirt and taking off his shoes he looked at ron, "you're friends with briar, right?" ron nodded hastily. "brilliant, would you put in a good word for me?" after no reply jessie kept talking "she's bloody hot, surprised no one else tried to swoop her up." ron just looked at him scowling before making his way to the bathroom.

not knowing why he was feeling so aggravated, ron looked into the mirror and told himself once he woke up tomorrow he would feel much better.

while ron was convincing himself he was just feeling sick, briar was in her bed staring up at the ceiling with toulouse on her stomach, thinking about tonight's events, slowly drifting off to sleep.

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