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"are you upset with me?" she asked nervously.

"what? no, of course not. i don't blame you for that stupid rumor." cedric replied looking around.

they were stationed outside of her DADA class speaking in hushed tones. "is cho mad at me?"

"more at me honestly. i keep telling her nothing happened but she won't believe me."

"this is such crass!" she shouted too loudly, causing passers to look at them. "nothing even happened. i don't even remember much of what happened."

"listen, i've got to go or else i'll be late to my class, but i'll catch up with you later, yeah?"

"sure. thanks ced." she responded clearly not in the best mood.

he sent her a closed mouthed smile before walking off to his class.

as she walked into DADA she fumbled with her bag. her seat was near the front of the class so she kept her head down as she walked up.

pansy started coughing as she walked by, "slag." all of her little friends laughing afterwards, pansy looking very proud of herself for that little comment.

"put a sock in it parkinson." briar rolled her eyes.

"we all saw you out there." pansy went on, standing up to challenge her. "saw what?" briar asked, she knew what pansy was talking about but didn't want to show her emotion, keeping a cold front. "you and diggory, looked quite cozy out there."

"because we are friends, he's like my brother!" briar's voice started to raise showing she was getting aggravated.

"ladies, ladies, settle down. we can do this after class." mad eye limped into the room booming his voice over the two girls.

as class went on briar kept looking over towards ron trying to see what he was thinking. he had a blank expression on his face as lavender clutched onto the arm we wasnt doodling with. she began people watching. harry looked stressed, as usual, dean and seamus were in the corner snickering, and hermione was... also looking over to ron? she looked longfully like she wished she was there in lavender's place.

once it was time to leave, briar pulled all her books together and began walking to the door.

"whore." pansy coughed as she walked by again, this time briar just ignored her.


that evening, at dinner, briar poked at her mashed potatoes, not engaging in the conversation ginny was making with seamus.

"what's got you so down?" someone said as they sat down next to her.

"yeah, what georgie said." another person, she assumed was fred, had said.

"everyone thinks i fooled around with cedric. it's bloody annoying, i'm not some kind of home wrecker." briar stabbed at her chicken surprising the twins.

"well, if it makes you feel any better-" fred started quickly getting cut off. "-we believe you." george proceeded.

she mumbled her thanks before looking up to the ravenclaw table eyeing cho. she looked sad. 'i mean i would be too if i thought my boyfriend had cheated on me.' briar thought to herself. abruptly cho stood up from her table and started walking out of the hall.

"uh, i'll see you guys later, i've got something i have to do." she said to the twins, her eyes not leaving cho as she got up from her own table.

she speed walked out of the dining hall and turned the corner to see cho was already far ahead. briar started yelling cho's name trying to get her attention as she ran up to her. once cho looked behind her and rolled her eyes she stopped waiting for briar to catch up to her.

"jeez... you walk... very... fast..." briar huffed catching her breath. "what do you want?" cho snapped. "i want to explain myself." briar said standing up more straight, "nothing happened between me and cedric, honestly. he's like a brother to me, no offense to him but it would be pretty repulsive to do anything like that with him. i was really drunk and needed help so he was there. i don't even remember much of what went down. all i know is that i asked him to stay because i didn't want to be alone and he slept on the chair while i slept in my bed. i wouldn't purposefully get in the way of you and cedric, i think you two are very good together. i'm sorry about all the rumors, but i promise they aren't true."

cho nodded looking down to her feet, "thank you." was the only thing she responded with before walking away.

now all that was needed to be fixed was ron.


in the common room everyone was doing different things, ron was with harry and hermione as usual, fred and george were scheming, and other kids were talking and playing games. briar was reading in her chair by the fire, as she usually did, with toulouse in her lap purring softly. she kept staring glances at ron seeing if she would have a chance to talk with him alone.

as people starting departing and heading up to their dorms to go to sleep, the common room was becoming more and more bare.

toulouse wouldn't stop meowing so briar had no choice but to leave to go up to her dorm with her cat.

after she fed toulouse, she got ready for bed. once she was done she laid in bed for a while trying to fall asleep.

she opened her eyes and looked to her clock reading 12 am. she decided to go and talk to ron. he probably wasn't asleep, all those times before when they snuck out he was wide awake around this time.

as she snuck up to the boys dormitories, she prepared herself to knock on his door.

once she gathered up the courage she did and waited for a reply. after waiting a few seconds when there was no sign of anything living behind the door, she kicked again, this time louder and longer. then she waited again. after more time of no response she raised her fist to knock on the door again, only to be met with a tall ginger who swung the door open suddenly.

he was wearing plaid pajama bottoms that hung low on his waist, no shirt on, his hair messy, and his eyes which looked to be weighted down by his eyelashes. once he registered who was in front of him he became more awake, "briar? what are you doing here?" he asked in a groggy voice.

"i wanted to say i'm sorry. for the rumor you heard and what happened at the party. i know i would be upset if i thought someone close to me had snogged my best friend. and the rumor is completely untrue, i don't know who started it but nothing happened i just fell asleep and he slept on a chair." she stopped speaking awaiting his response.

"why are you telling me this?" he asked, putting his arm up onto the door frame.

"because i..." she paused as she thought to herself, 'why do i care so much that he knows the truth?'

"i wanted you to know." she finally answered. "you wanted me to know." ron repeated. "yes, i wanted you to know." she bit her lip.

it was silent again for a moment. not being able to stand the silence briar spoke again, "are you still upset with me? or are we ok?"

he looked into her eyes stepping forward slightly, "we're ok."

he hovered over her due to his height. he sleepily smiled down to her before speaking once more, "goodnight briar."

"i- uh, goodnight, ronald." she stammered easily becoming flustered.

he shut the door leaving her to stare at where he once was standing before her. breathing heavily, confused on their interaction, still processing it.

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