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briar and ron were in the boys bathrooms. she was tending to his hand. "you didn't have to do that." she said quietly.

"i wanted to... been wanting to do that for a while now." he laughed dryly.

she was sitting on the counter next to one of the sinks, wiping off the blood on his hand with a washcloth. ron punched jessie a couple more times out of built up anger, before being pulled away by briar, which knocked him out even more.  "you've got quite the arm on you."

he looked into her eyes "i mean- i guess so." his eyes traveling down to her lips. she didn't notice, she was too focused on fixing his hand. once she was done she cast a spell to ease the pain.

she hopped down from the sink rinsing off the cloth to use on herself. as she wrung the water out ron slowly took it from her, "thought i could return the favor."

she turned around to face him as he brought the cloth up to her bottom lip, now having an excuse to stare at her lips. they were plump, not too big, but not too small. her bottom lip was slightly bigger than her top and much more fuller. her top lip fit perfectly in with the bottom creating an appealing shape. her lips were perfect for his due to his top lip being slightly bigger than his bottom. it didn't take long to clean up her lip, he only had a matter of seconds till it was all clean. so he subconsciously moved his fingers very slowly, to take in all the time he could.

realizing he was moving his face closer to hers he cleared his throat, "so um... what do you think will happen now?" she was truly oblivious to not notice how obvious he was being "well, i don't know about you, but i would say that's the end for us." he washed the tiny amount of blood off of the rag and left it in the sink. turning back towards her he gulped "he's an idiot."

she inhaled looking up into his eyes slowly moving her hands up to his neck to hug him. pulling away their faces were only about an inch apart, "i'll see you tomorrow." finally breaking the tension and slowly letting go of him only to walk quickly out of the bathroom.


the next morning briar made her way over to the boys dormitories to officially break it off with jessie. when she knocked on the door and there was no answer, she opened it and walked in to see jessie's belongings and bed were gone.

"he left early this morning." ron said behind her startling her "mcgonagall took out the bed. he told me to tell you... he gets the message that you guys are over."

she took a deep breath before turning to him "you must be happy," she paused, "seeing as though you got your room back to yourself." he smiled wearily shrugging. they stood there for a second in silence. "well i should get going, we have class soon..."

"oh- um right. would you like to... go together?" she nodded smiling in response. "perfect. well i'll meet you in the common room while i get my things." she nodded again, turning on her heel to make her way back to her dorm.

she walked in to see a sleeping toulouse, purring softly on the corner of her bed.

she picked up her belongings, putting them in her bag, and made her way down to meet ron.

he was already waiting there on the sofa staring at his moving hands. pulling him out of his thoughts by hearing her approach him, he stood up abruptly smoothing down his trousers.

as they walked in the halls to DADA he couldn't help but notice her lip again. thinking back to the other marks that were on her before, he decided he had to know if he was the one leaving them.

"briar?" she hummed a reply looking up to him. "can i ask you a question?" she nodded. "you don't have to answer if you don't want to, i'm just curious..."

"well go on ronald." she laughed.

"those marks on you, before, the bruises- and hand prints... were those, from jessie?"

her smile faded, "um- yes." adding a laugh a few seconds after to try to make light to the situation.

he opened his mouth to speak but she cut him off, "seems like we're here." she bit her lip as she walked over to her seat in the classroom.

after classes, she stationed herself and toulouse in the common room by the fire.

toulouse curled up in her lap stretching on her back falling asleep. briar's legs hurting from staying in one position but didn't want to move them for the sake of her kitten. she was working on her herbology homework, soaking in the warmth of the fire when two figures crowded her heat.

"hello rose."

"hello boys."

pulling up two chairs they sat in front of her. "we just wanted to check up on our favorite gryffindor." george said leaning forward. "heard about the breakup." fred finished.

"well then i guess you heard how ron knocked him out?" they looked at each other in surprise, "ron? icke ronniekins?" fred questioned. "noooo, you must be thinking of a different ron. not our brother?" george asked smiling.

"no i am."

"wicked." they said in unison. brushing off the fact that their younger brother knocked someone out george spoke up again, "well, enough about old ronnie boy. how are you? personally we can say that we are glad that git is gone."

"honestly... i think i am too." she smiled raising her brow slightly.

they just smiled and took their turns ruffling her hair before walking off to wherever they needed to be.

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