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i leave sunday for camp and i'm kinda nervous ngl but also really excited to go back. and i'll only be gone for a week. even though i feel like nobody cares lol

"how daft do you have to be to beat up malfoy?"

"i don't know hermione, i guess the most a person can be." ron scoffed.

"you shouldn't have done it." hermione said quietly. "you weren't there hermione, he was being a prick." ron replied as he sat down on the common rooms sofa.

"malfoy is always a prick, we've known this since first year." hermione sighed, "honestly ron you are this close," she held up her thumb and pointer finger close together, "to being kicked out of hogwarts. with all the slacking in class, the fighting, and the sneaking off with harry-"

"- ok hermione i get it! i'm a failure." ron rolled his eyes standing up from the seat. hermione quickly stood up and grabbed his arm, "you're not a failure. i just wish you would let me help you. just let me tutor you- once a week at most. besides we could spend more time together..." she trailed off.

"i'm fine hermione. i don't need anyone's help." he started to walk out of the common room before he turned back around for a quick second, "sorry."


he walked through the halls aimlessly, unsure where to go.

he had already stopped by the kitchen but no amount of food could hold down the pit in his stomach.

so he decided to go up to the astronomy tower.

once he reached the top step he found briar sitting on the ledge with a piece of parchment in her hand.

"whatcha doing?" he asked creeping up behind her.

she jumped slightly, "merlin ron you gave me a heart attack," she set her stuff aside before speaking again "i'm charting the stars."

"why? we don't have to do that in astronomy." ron questioned.

"i know, but i just wanted to do it for fun- i was bored. the common room was filled so i didn't want to look awkward sitting there alone."

"you know you could have come and sat with me, harry, and hermione." he blushed.

"i know..." she started, "but i don't really know them that well, me and hermione will talk in class, at dinner, and when i'm with ginny, but that's about it, and it's usually small talk. then after that we will just go back to ignoring the other one exists. and harry... i don't think he likes me, plus i find it a little annoying how he always brings up how he's the 'chosen one' but it is cool how he got his scar i will admit... sorry i know they are like your best friends."

"no it's ok, we have different experiences with different people."

she smiled to him before sitting back down on the ledge. she turned around and looked up to him and motioned for him to sit next to her.

"this is kind of like our spot." ron said nervously as he sat down, scared she wouldn't like how he said 'their spot'

"yeah, i guess it kind of is." briar agreed with no hesitation.


"that's preposterous!" hermione exclaimed.

"granger is speaking about her stupid S.P.E.W club again, shocker." pansy snarked, even making draco laugh.

hermione ignored pany's comment and carried on with her speech, "elves should be able to be free and get paid if they would like to! they should know that they don't have to be forced into work! they don't know what's best for them!"

"class dismissed." mcgonagall said to the class.

as everyone gathered their belongings hermione kept ranting about elf rights as she walked down the hall with ron and harry.

'how does she even have air left in her lungs? i swear she hasn't taken a single breath in two minutes.' briar thought, a few steps behind the trio.

they entered the great hall, hermione still blabbing on and on about S.P.E.W, correcting ron after every time she said it when he would pronounce it 'spew'

briar sat down next to neville who was conveniently sitting next to where the trio had chosen to sit down.

she opened her book after she filled her plate with food, slowly eating as she turned the pages.

"well let's ask... briar!" her head perked up once she heard her name. "briar, what do you think of elf rights? you think they shouldn't be treated as slaves right?" hermione asked leaning towards briar uncomfortably close.

"um... well... that's a tricky topic. because, there are some people who treat their elves terribly and for those people they shouldn't be allowed to do that, so if an elf wants to be paid i don't see the harm-"

"-see! briar agrees with me!" hermione cut her off.

"but," she paused, "elves do enjoy working, it's just a fact. so apart of their rights should be letting them do whatever they want to. wether that be working at hogwarts in the kitchens or at a wizards home doing chores around the house."

hermione suddenly piped down and sunk in her seat. she was quiet for a second until she spoke up again, "the wonderful thing about S.P.E.W is that..." right after briar had heard the beginning of her sentence she tuned out of the conversation.

this is shorter than normal so i'm sorry these chapters kinda suck but i'm stuck on thinking about what to do next, i have so many ideas i just want it to be paced well. yk?

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