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"i really should get going..."

"yeah don't want to be late for your date with my brother."

"it's not a date! we're just friends, he wants me to watch him prank ron. it's gonna be amusing to say the least."

"wait- he's gonna prank ron?" ginny sat up, suddenly interested in briar's plans for the day, "can i come?!"

"sure. i bet fred wouldn't mind." briar stood up from her chair and started making her way up to the girls dormitories, "i'll be back in a minute, wait here."

once she entered her room, she grabbed a black mini skirt, a cropped t shirt, doc martens, white socks, a beaded necklace, and a black purse. applying eyeliner mascara, and putting her hair into a ponytail.

she put some food into toulouse's bowl and left for the common room.

"what's got you all fancy?" ginny asked as briar hopped down the stairs. "fred told me to dress nice." briar shrugged in response. ginny's eyes widened, "HA! i told you it was a date! why else would he tell you to dress nice?"

briar rolled her eyes, blushing slightly, "i told you gin, it's not a date."

ignoring what briar said ginny continued with her suspicions, "he probably said it was just you two 'hanging out' and 'pranking ron' so that you wouldn't be freaked out and turn him down!" suddenly ginny's face fell into a grimace "oh merlin. that mean you would be on a date- with my brother! please please pleaseeeee don't date my brother. i don't want to see your faces mashed up against each other's all the time."

"ginny! what are you talking about?! i don't like fred! we are just friends- also, gross!" briar shook her head in disgust before walking towards the portrait door.

"ok, fred told me to meet him in the three broomsticks..." briar trailed off as she stepped over a puddle.

"ugh, i can't believe i'm going to see you and my brother on a date." ginny groaned, walking slightly behind briar, "why did you invite me to come again?"

briar snapped her head back towards ginny with a straight face, "i didn't."

the bell above them rang as they walked through the door.

fred instantly noticed briar walking in and leaped up from his seat, obviously not seeing ginny trailing behind her, "briar!" he smiled brightly, "you're late." his face quickly hardened playfully.

"sorry, you were the one who told me to dress nice." briar countered back pursing her lips. "and that you did," fred said scanning briar, "well, come on now, sit down!"

she slowly lowered herself into the chair across from him looking around the room, "is ron going to be here soon?"

"ron? why would ron- oh! right, of course. yes he should he here soon."

"brilliant. i cant wait to see what you have planned."

briar turned around and motioned for an awkward looking ginny to sit down next to her.

fred, just noticing his sister was there too, spoke up, "did- did you invite ginny?"

"no she technically invited herself after i told her why you invited me here. she wanted to see the show for herself."

fred's face flushed white instantly. "right, well- oh! there's george- better go say hello to him-" he ran over to george, who had just walked through the door coincidentally.

"georgie!" he whisper shouted.

"freddie!" george whisper shouted back, it was safe to say that they never got sick of being around each other.

"you remember i told you my plan to get briar to go out with me?" fred whispered, pulling george aside to a corner. george nodded, glancing over to briar. "well, ginny wanted to tag along." fred continued once he saw that george understood. george's face contorted into a frown but quickly changed back into a smile, "don't fret gred! i'll just tell ginny mum is upset with her and she's waiting outside for her."

fred nodded, proud of his twins antics before winking to him, and turned back on his heel.

as he sat back down in his seat george came up their table only moments after, "ginerva molly weasley! you are in big, big trouble!"

"what? why? what did i do?" she questioned squinted her eyes at her older brother, not buying his words.

"why don't you go ask mum? she's waiting outside for you." george smiled devishly down at ginny. suddenly her eyes widened in fear, scrambling to stand up and stumbling over her words as she walked out the door, mumbling something about mcgonagall.

"so," briar began, trying to derive the conversation from ginny, "when do you think ron will get here?"

fred looked down to his wrist as if he had a watch on, "should be soon."

"i'm gonna go get us some butter beers in the mean time." briar smiled as she stood up.

as she walked away ron entered the pub with harry by his side, "oi! fred!" he said as they both walked over to where fred was sitting, "have you seen briar? i feel like she's upset with me."

"briar? nooo, no. sorry- you can move along now." fred said as he pushed ron and harry away. "fred i got the butter-" briar came up behind fred, her eyes focusing on ron. ron looked to fred, his jaw clenched, "haven't seen her, huh?"

she slowly sat down the butterbeers, watching the scene unfold in front of her.

"i should have known you were trying to steal her away from me!" ron shouted, starting to cause a scene, "you can't let me have one thing for myself can i?" fred opened his mouth to counter back but ron was too quick for him, "you know what? it's fine. i'll just leave you two on your little date."

and with that he stormed out of the three broomsticks with harry awkwardly trailing behind him.

briar's mouth hung open in surprise as she ran out the door after him.

"ron... ron..."

she swerved a few people trying to catch up with him.

"weasley!" she shouted in anger, causing him to finally stop.

harry took this as his cue and back away into the first shop he could find.

"come with me, i don't want to make a bigger mess that you have already started." briar huffed grabbing his hand and pulling him to the back of a store, "what is the issue?"

"the issue is you sneaking around with my brother!"

she took a second to digest what he said. then broke out into laughter.

"what? what's so funny?" ron asked, beginning to grow more angry with her not taking him seriously.

"the fact... that you think... fred and i are... are... sneaking around together!"

"well it's true, isn't it?"

"of course not!" she laughed even more, holding her stomach to ground herself. she slowly started to regain composure. "listen, first of all, you don't own me. i'm not 'yours'. second of all, there is NOTHING between me and fred."

"you swear?" ron questioned, his voice deeper than it was a moment ago. "i swear." she answered, trying to hide her smile by biting her lip.

"you wanna go back to the castle and play some chess?" briar asked.

"if you want to get beaten, sure." he said as he slung his arm around her.

this chapter SUCKS it's literally so terrible i want to cry. i'm so sorry for this monstrosity. but i promise it's going to get more juicy soon.

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