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haven't done an outfit in a while lol. also i'm american but it would obviously be more accurate to have british terms in this. i hope i'm not offending anyone💔 i just knew some already and went with what i knew.

briar was up in her dorm getting together her books, notes, papers, and pens to help him study putting them all in a shoulder bag.

wearing a white crew neck with dark wash jeans and green trainers.

heading down to the common room she saw ron and harry playing a game of exploding snaps, and dean sitting in a chair waiting for her.

"sorry i'm late." she walked over to him, "took me a while to find all the books i thought we may need."

"yeah i'm sure that will help." dean nodded.

ron scoffed thinking only he could hear himself, but was louder than he thought.

she looked over to ron giving him a nasty look causing him to look down guiltily.

they walked out of the castle down near the lake and sat against some trees.

"so i thought we could start with astrophysics seeing as though that is was we are currently learning..." she said whilst pulling out the books, and effortlessly turning to the different chapters. "so, what are you having trouble with the most?" she questioned once all of her things were laid out.

dean just stared at her with a blank expression, "i um- do you think i asked you here to actually study?"

"um yes, is that not why we are here?" starting to get a little nervous she ran her fingers through her hair. "well i thought you understood that i asked this as a date." he sighed.

"so you, don't want to study?" she said slowly.

he leaned closer, "no..." leaning in to kiss her. when he did she wasn't fully opposed but didn't love it.

they snogged for a good minute until she pulled away to breath. "would you like to take this up in the dorms?" he asked. "ah... i'm sorry, i'm getting really tired. if that's ok." briar said fake yawning.

"oh, well maybe another time?"

"maybe i'll have to make sure i'm not doing anything..." obviously trying to make excuses.


it was around 11 when they had an awkward walk back to the castle, barely saying anything. mostly consisting of dean trying to start conversation and briar giving one word responses.

when back in the common room briar was fully ready to forget about the night's events. but before she could walk away, dean leaned in to kiss her one last time. she didn't want to embarrass him by pulling away, to she just let it happen, standing there awkwardly.

she really did like dean, but saw him more as a friend. sure he was cute, smart, and good to get along with, but she just didn't see him in that light.

walking towards the girls dormitories she changed, and instantly got into bed with toulouse, curled up by her feet.

as dean entered his own dorm he saw his bunk mates were still awake. seamus eager to see how the date went, harry just couldn't fall asleep, neville reading a book, and ron sitting with harry waiting to see if dean would return.

"so, howd it go mate?" seamus asked with wide eyes.

"pretty good, she didn't know i meant for that to be a date. but it's fine, we snogged for a little bit but she said she was getting tired so i came back here. i don't know if she was fully into it though..." dean answered.

seamus nodded while biting down on his tongue. ron, slightly relieved when he heard that dean didn't think she was too into it. but not ecstatic about the snogging.

he knew he didn't like briar, i mean how could he? but hearing dean talk about how 'fit' she is, was quickly getting on his nerves. thinking about them kissing made ron feel sick to his stomach. he abruptly stood up from harry's bed and walked back to his own dorm, swallowing hard.

but even he couldn't deny how easy she was to talk to, how soft her skin looked, and how effortlessly pretty she was.


a few days later, ron and briar had silently agreed to forget about their tiny quarrel and move on.

he seemingly made his amends when he walked over to her in the library, and told her he read 'little women' over the past few weeks.

"i read that book you like so much." ron said quietly.

"what book weasley?" she asked with an edge to her voice, forcing herself not to meet his eyes.

"the one about the family of girls, little women..."

"why?" she said it so quickly it felt sharp, like a knife cut into him.

"well i know you like it so much, so i thought i would read it." he started, "bloody brilliant it was. i even cried a little at beth's death." ending his sentence chuckling.

she finally looked up to meet his eye line. "i wouldn't expect you to willingly read a book like that."

"what's that supposed to mean?" he smiled.

"just- wouldn't expect you to actually want to read a book about a family made up of girls, and how women weren't respected enough to be taken seriously in work. i'm not complaining, i think it's very admirable that you read it. most boys would probably think it's too 'girly' or something. i just know how you don't like reading too much. which isn't an issue, i think it's good. it breaks the gender stereotype that males can't have a feminine side."

he didn't exactly know how to reply to this. he understood what she meant but, was also slightly taken aback by her speech. he wanted to sound just as smart as she was, but he didn't know how to respond looking it. he could tell she didn't want to offend him by saying how she liked that he read it. "yeah." was all he could spit out. mentally kicking himself for such an ordinary answer.

"so," she cleared her throat, "what were your thoughts on jo and laurie's relationship?"

"erm- what were your's?" he asked trying to piggy back off of what she was going to say.

"i asked first." she smiled mischievously knowing she had backed him into a corner.

he took a deep breath and just decided to give his honest opinion, "i liked their relationship. i understand just wanting to be friends with someone, though i did feel bad for laurie, it hurts getting rejected. but i understood why they didn't end up together."

"it made it more realistic." she finished for him.

"yeah, exactly."

glad to be back in her good natures, he spent more of his time with her. sitting with her at lunch, walking to classes together, her helping him study in the library, and sneaking out more at night to get snacks and stargaze. but they also didn't spend too much time together that they got sick of each other, although it was clear to see that they enjoyed the other's company.

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