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DUDE THIS IS SO LATE but let's pretend fries exist in the wizarding world for the sake of this chapter.

sitting at a booth in the three broomsticks a lady brought over their butter beers and food. as they started eating briar could see ron was eyeing her french fries.

"do you want some?" she asked motioning to the fries.

"huh? oh no, i'm not really that hungry." ron answered.

as they sat and talked for a while about nonsense briar noticed ron pulled his hand over and snatched up some of her fries thinking he was subtle. she pushed them into the middle of the table for them to share. ron blushed and only took more when he thought she wasn't looking.

"if you wanted a few you could have just said so." briar teased as they walked into the snow. ron was a few feet behind her but she knew he could hear her. instead of a response though she felt cold soft ice hit her back. when she turned around she was met with ron smiling widely.

she bent down and made a snowball, she wasn't the best thrower, her aim was terrible most of the time, so she ran closer to him so it would have more of a chance on hitting him.

they went back and fourth for a little while until ron disappeared. she knew he wasn't giving up but she was tired, and didn't really care to put in a lot of effort to find where he went. as she turned around ron was standing in front of her holding a snowball. not being able to register what was going to happen she stood there blank faced. before she knew it he was laying on top of her in the snow and smooshed the snowball into her hairline, getting her hair messy and face wet and cold. briar's cheeks flushed a pink tint realizing he was on top of her, but it could probably be from the snowball in her face too.

he was laughing like a maniac on top of her. she could feel his warm breath on her face.

once he rolled off of her she stood up and gave him her hand. he took it, but pulled her back down to the ground. taken by surprise she let out a small yelp with their faces ending up only inches away from each other. she instantly got embarrassed and stood back up awkwardly, "want to get some hot chocolate from the kitchens?"

"yeah, but we should probably get changed first." he answered looking down at their wet jackets and hair.


briar didn't even realize she still had ron's sweater, but he knew. he didn't ask for it back because, one, that would be an awkward conversation, and two, a part of him wanted her to keep it.

once they got to their dorms and changed into dry, clean clothes they met in the common room.

when she walked in she saw ron didn't notice she was there yet. he was staring into the fire as if he was challenging it to a staring contest.

she cleared her throat, which pulled him out of his daze and started walking down to the kitchens, making sure to avoid any teachers and prefects.

as they entered the kitchens both of them sat down as the elves ran off to get them their drinks.

briar bit her lip to hide her smile.

"what?" ron smiled.

"i don't know. you just look silly." she said as she reached up to run her fingers through his messy hair, "it's all tousled." she finished.

ron gulped instantly becoming flustered. he looked into her eyes as she softly stared up at his hair. her eyes slowly fell down to meet his, "oh come on, stop staring at me like that." she laughed pushing his shoulder slightly.

"sorry, cant help it. you just look so pretty." he thought aloud.

briar's smile quickly faltered, her eyes growing wide.

right as ron opened his mouth to speak again one of the elves came running back to them with two mugs in their hands.

great fully, they both took them and starting sipping.

after a few seconds of silence, the only sound filling the emptiness, the sound of their gulping, briar put down her mug.

"you've got a little- right," he reached up his huge hand and took his thumb towards her top lip, "there." swiping off the whipped cream from her lip gracefully.

she looked down blushing furiously knowing is she met his eyes it would just make her blush even more. quick to change the subject she spoke up, "so, what are your plans for the summer?"

"oh, the usual, just going back home with everybody. will probably practice quidditch, just- for fun. how about you?" he said fumbling with his thumbs.

"big things planned." she started sarcastically "first we will start off with me sitting at home watching movies with toulouse, baking, listening to music, and doing all of that while i'm waiting for my mom to come back from the extra shifts she takes."

"wow, uh... sounds fun?" he clearly didn't hear the sarcasm dripping from her lips.

"no it's really not. besides the music and movies. but that can get kinda old fast, you know, with no one around."

ron paused before speaking again, "um- well- maybe you could come to my house for the summer? it's not much, or anything really, always crowded and loud, but maybe it beats being alone all summer?" he spoke as quick as possible. somehow briar still caught everything he had said. "i told my mum about you, she already said she wants to meet you. plus she lets hermione and harry stay sometimes."

"aw, are you talking to your momma about me?" she teased.

"oh shut up. you know what i mean."

"i mean i guess i could make the time in my busy schedule..." pursing her lips she paused before clearing her throat, "yes. i would love to."

he smiled up at her visibly showing he was happy with her answer "great, i'll owl mum tomorrow."

"i'll owl mine too." she said before taking the last sip of her hot chocolate.

did anyone notice the euphoria reference or do i just have too much free time?😀

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