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"what are you listening to?" ron asked creeping into her room. startling her she jumped slightly and yelled at him, "you can't do that!"

"the door was cracked halfway open..." he said squinting his eyes and turning his head slightly.

"nevertheless, you shouldn't creep up on people like that."

he shot his hands up defensively before walking over and sitting in the side of her bed asking his question again. "what are you listening to?"

"um- i don't wanna say, you'll make fun of me." her cheeks blushing slightly. "no i won't." after seeing her look up not convinced he continued, "ah alright, i'll tell you something embarrassing."

"go on." she shrugged.

he was silent for a moment thinking of what to say. after about a minute he looked over to her smiling, "well one time when there was a spider in my room, and i screamed so loud i accidentally woke up everyone in my house. i got yelled at in front of harry  and hermione, and it was the first time they stayed at my house."

"that wasn't too embarrassing. but i guess it will do." she sighed looking up at him "his name is Tchaikovsky. he is famous for his compositions, mostly in ballets. he worked on the nutcracker, sleeping beauty, swan lake, and more. but those are some of my favorites by him." he looked at her as if she had just insulted him, "i tell you about the first time i got yelled at in front of my friends who were new at the time because there was a tiny spider in my room, which is embarrassing. and you tell me you like listening to ballet compositions? that is not even remotely equal."

"and movie and play scores or compositions. whatever you wanna call them."

"tell me something actually embarrassing." he scoffed.

"i'm sorry my friends at beauxbatons made fun of me for listening to this. but if you want something more embarrassing fine." she paused to think and less than thirty seconds later she opened her mouth back up, "ok, one night i was home alone, my mum was out somewhere far away and wasn't able to come back home early. so i went to the kitchen i guess to get some food or a drink and i saw this little spider on the floor. i screamed so loud it scared my house cat at the time. i got up on a chair because i was too scared to stay on the floor with it. i started crying and every time it would move even just an inch i would scream and cry even more." she was in a fit of laughs trying to catch her breath. "so, i call my mum and ask her to come home to get the spider. of course she said no and just told me to get it myself. but i was too scared to so i ran to my room, put a towel under my door, and sat in my bed. and i would flinch every time i felt even the slightest bit of something on me. i figured i would tell that story to make you feel better about your spider story."

ron was laughing at this point, feeling better about his story, "you're scared of spiders too?"

"of course. always have been."

"seriously!? no one else i know is." he exclaimed. "ronald, why else would i scream and cry at the sight of a spider. no i love spiders, that's why i was screaming because i saw one." he rolled his eyes still wearing a toothy smile, "you want to know how my fear started?"

"um... ok. is it gross?"

"erm... well... yeah a little honestly. but it's fine! it's not too bad." toulouse jumped onto his lap interrupting his thoughts. she rolled onto him to get his attention. he began petting her as he went on, "when i was younger i had this stuffed animal i would sleep with all the time. one day fred and george thought it would be funny to change it into a spider."

her mouth hung open slightly in surprise. "yep they did that." taking her reaction as her mentally saying, 'no!?'

"ever since i've been terrified." he went on to tell her about what happened in second year. he was exaggerating a bit on how brave he was being to impress her, and gave details, but quickly stopped telling the story so graphic after seeing her flinch and beg him to stop. they went back and fourth telling their horror stories and laughing at the others reactions in the story. ron quickly learned that if he got too in detail about what a spider looked like she would shiver and start to get paranoid by looking around her as if a bunch would magically pop up and attack her.

soon they got into other topics and briar left to go and brush her teeth. when she got back ron spoke up, "you know, this- composition? is rather calming. it's nice. i bet hermione would like listening to this." she casually smiled before laying down on her bed and getting back into conversation.

she was starting to drift off to sleep so ron drew a blanket on top of her and began to leave. it was quite dark in the room, so he accidentally tripped on a stack of books on the ground making a loud noise. she slowly opened her eyes.

"shhh it's fine, go back to sleep." he whispered panicky.

"ron" she groaned, "are you going?"

"well, yeah..."

she was about to ask him to stay but decided against it. "goodnight."

"goodnight briar."

dude this and last chapter actually suck so much. i just don't know what to write because i don't want the relationship to happen to fast, but also wanna keep it engaging.

Loverboy - ron weasley Where stories live. Discover now