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tw: alcohol and drugs

cedric was not the party type. he was usually standing against the wall in the corner of the room with a drink in his hand that he barely drank out of, with girls approaching him every other minute attempting to get him to come dance with them. but briar was planning on getting on something tonight, and cedric couldn't stop her, knowing how stubborn she is. so naturally he took on the roll of being the sober friend who would look after the drunk friend.

she walked down to the party in a little black dress and high top converse, fully clean of the vinegar, packing on perfume and spells to try and drown out the smell. her hair was soft and full of volume, also free of the vinegar. wearing her touched up blue eyeliner and masarca.

ron's eyes instantly went onto her. she didn't see him but he saw her. she looked good, really good. maybe that was the weed in his system talking, but he really wanted to go over to her and make a move.

the whole common room wreaked of alcohol, drugs, and sex. couples were making out in corners of the room, on couches, and in games of spin the bottle.

once she spotted cedric sitting in the corner making up excuses for people to leave him, she went in his direction. "oh ceddy, i'm back." she teased with the nickname his mother called him.

"merlin b, you look great." he stood up and stepped closer to get a better look at her.

"honest?" she asked blushing.

"you know i don't lie."

she was about to say something else but decided against it, and instead abruptly grabbed his wrist walking over to a table with all the alcohol laid out. "let's have some fun, shall we?" she held up a full bottle of fire whiskey and took a swig.

cedric didn't tell briar he was planning on being the sober friend, so he pretended to take a sip, but just held it up to his mouth and didn't let any contents in.

"briar! just the girl i was looking for." george walked up to her and lowered down to her face wiggling his eyebrows, "want to play a game?"

"yeah, come and join the big boys." fred slurred accompanying his twin.

"what kind of game?" briar crossed her arms over her chest, the bottle still in her hand.

"spin the bottle but if you don't want to kiss the person it lands on you drink until the person it landed on says to stop." george explained.

"yeah of you get lucky, it'll land on me." fred flirted.

"keep it in your pants freddie. i'll play, but only cause i wanna have fun and i don't know what else to do." briar answered.

"b, i thought we were going to hang out. wasnt that the point of this whole evening?" cedric whispered in her ear.

"i'll be done in one round. i promise then we can go and talk about whatever you want to for the rest of the night, i promise."

he nodded before he watched the twins usher her over to the group of people sitting on the floor. it was dean, seamus, ginny, harry, luna, the twins, and a few other people briar didn't know too well. harry looked very drunk and was going on about how he wanted to get his mind off someone, whilst simultaneously swaying slightly. ginny was staring at harry almost with a hopeful look on her face, but was also sitting awfully close to luna with her hand on luna's thigh. dean and seamus were in their own little world talking about who knows what. luna was invited by ginny, briar assumed, and was dazing off into the ceiling.

she sat down between ginny and seamus. "new comers go first, it's only polite." george motioned towards her and the empty bottle on the floor.

after about three rounds, which went very quickly, briar was pretty tipsy. all three times it landed on people she drank instead, and they made her drink a lot, but she wasn't complaining. first it landed on ginny, as much as briar did want to kiss ginny, she knew ginny was in the middle of something with luna. second time it landed on a random kid she had seen around but didn't know. and the third time ron joined in but left quickly after it had landed on harry.

"leaving so soon darling?" fred grabbed her hand as she went to walk away.

"yes, i have someone waiting for me. but don't worry i'll take another lap later." briar shook her hand loose and stumbled over to cedric.

"well didn't take you long to get wasted." he laughed.

"let's sit down and talk. but i wanna get some weed first." she looked around the room and she spotted ron sitting on the couch with lavender brown practically sitting on him with a joint in between his fingers.

for some reason she was disgusted seeing lavender all over him. so she walked up to them and made herself known, "hey ron, lavender. i was wondering if you had any more?" she pointed down to his joint.

"uh yeah. hold on i'll roll a few for you." ron said seeming annoyed, he leaned forward pushing lavender off of him and started making her joints on the table. he handed them to her and slouched back down into his seat not giving her another look.

"is something wrong ron?" briar asked glancing over to lavender in the process.

"oh no, everything's fine, besides the fact that you snogged my best friend. but it's great, just go along and take your things."

she furrowed her brows, "what? i didn't snog harry. i drank instead of kissing him. maybe if you stayed around for a minute longer instead of running off to join someone else," she turned her head towards lavender again, "you would have seen that."

"what's your problem? upset because you aren't the one sitting here with ronniekins." lavender scoffed.

"ronniekins?! oh that's rich. and no, but thank you for reminding me, i have someone i need to get back to. thanks for the weed... weasley." briar turned on her heel instantly regretting being so rude. he had just given her what she wanted and then argued with him? she would be upset too if say, cedric snogged ginny. but she didn't have the energy to go back with her tail between her legs, instead she picked up her pace and went to join cedric again. "sorry it took so long, but i got the stuff." she held out the freshly rolled joints in front of him before grabbing her wand to light the end of it.

anyways, here's what i think the makeup would look like. i can't tell if it's cute or not or if it goes with the outfit or not. also i would like to add, when i use emojis (example: 💔😆😀😭😜😍) i'm fully joking. like for instance, "i hate myself😆"

 like for instance, "i hate myself😆"

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