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i know luna doesn't come until next book but let's pretend she's in gof because i love her and she deserved more scenes.

"b, come on i've been talking for twenty minutes now and all you have been doing is staring at weasley." cedric groaned. "what? i'm not staring. i'm sorry that i'm concerned for my friend. he looks upset..." she hastily got up and walked across the library, "are you alright?"

"hm? oh yeah." ron answered barely looking up. "oh come on, tell me what's the matter." he sighed, "it's just my mum. she sent some wand polisher and new ties for ginny but i haven't gotten anything new in years... whatever it's fine. ginny deserves them anyways."

"i'm sorry, if you would like i could steal one of the ties for you."

he looked up smiling slightly, "yeah, alright."

"but don't let yourself be too down about it. i bet your mum loves you very much." he nodded in reply before turning back to his homework.

walking back to cedric she sat down beside him. "i don't get it." he huffed. "don't get what?"

"you two can go days without talking but suddenly when you get around to it, it's like you weren't just practically ignoring each other."

"it's not as though we are ignoring each other... i think it's good. it shows that our friendship is strong, with other people it may be awkward but with us it's not. besides we don't ignore each other. we are both very busy people."

cedric went back to talking about quidditch, cho, his friends, or whatever it was he was on about. while she sat there next to him stealing glances with ron discreetly. noticing how his nose pointed upwards slightly at the end, he would bite the inside of his mouth when concentrating, and would have to push his hair out of his face every few seconds. when they locked eyes she would quickly look away not wanting to seem like a stalker. "it's absolute rubbish. dont you agree?" cedric lightly slamming his hands on the desk pulling her back to him. "yes... absolute rubbish."


after her afternoon classes she traveled down to the dining hall for dinner. seeing neville and ginny she walked over and sat down in front of them. "oi ginny, could i barrow a tie? toulouse ripped one of mine up."

"yeah of course," she nodded "you know mum just sent me some new ones, i don't really need eight pairs. you could have two of you want?" turning her head slightly to look down to ron she said, "yeah, that would be splendid. thanks gin."

"sure, but you've got to listen to this. neville tell us."

he blushed looking down to his food "i was thinking about asking luna out."

ginny's smile dropped, "wait, that's what you were waiting to tell us? that was the surprise?" he nodded not picking up on ginny's panicked voice, causing her to look over to the ravenclaw table.

"what? do you guys not think i should?" he asked nervously. ginny snapped her neck back into his direction. briar cleared her throat to make herself heard, "honestly nev, i think she's more into girls... i could be wrong though!"


looking at neville upset made her feel bad. "neville, any girl, or guy, would be lucky to have you. i would just wait it out and see. if luna wants to, she will tell you."

"yeah- i suppose you're right." he sighed turning back to his corn, "so, do you guys want to hear about this new plant i got? it's magnificent." briar and ginny nodded for him to go on.

briar couldn't help but notice ginny's cheeks went red when she had mentioned she may like girls. luna had told her that she was attracted to this one girl in her house, but it never went anywhere.

leaving the great hall briar pulled ginny aside, "what was up with you in there?"

"what do you mean?" she asked nervously. "i mean, i saw the way you reacted to neville saying he wanted to ask out luna. you don't have to tell me but is there anything there?"

ginny formed her lips into a line and breathed out, "well, i kinda have a thing for her... but i don't know for sure. at your birthday party a little while after you left me, luna, dean, the twins, and seamus played a drinking game. after the game i was pretty on it, i think luna was too. but anyways, we went up to the astronomy tower and she told me about different constellations and her father and suddenly, i got the strong feeling to kiss her, so i did... and she kissed back. she went in again when i pulled away, but i got scared and left. we haven't talked about it since."

"i see, i'm really happy for you ginny. i don't want to freak you out but i have noticed the way you talk about her and look at her. i think she feels the same. i mean she did kiss you back and go in for another."

"yeah, i guess i have to talk to her sooner or later about it anyways..."

"good luck on that." briar patting her shoulder, "well i've got to go, i have potions homework. but i'll see you later ok? tell me how it goes when you decide to talk to her." she finished before walking off to her dorm.


briar was sitting on her bed practicing her french with toulouse under her arm. it was almost 12 and she heard a knock at the door. walking over and opening it she was met with red. red hair, red plaid pajama pants, and burgundy loose shirt with his back facing her. "very monochromatic of you." she chuckled.

he turned around and smiled at her.

"what are you doing here ron? it's almost 12."

"i got hungry, plus it doesnt look like you were fast asleep anyway..." he said looking behind her to the sheets of paper sprawled across her bed and the light on. "i wanted to go get a snack but didn't wanna go alone. i knew you would be awake sooooo... you wanna sneak down to the kitchens?"

she rolled her eyes playfully, "i don't know, i'm getting pretty tired."

"aw come on. please?" he begged. "alright fine. but only because you want me to come with you so badly."

walking through the halls briar was nervous of snape or filch finding them. "it's alright. look what i nipped from harry before i came to get you." he said holding up a plain piece of parchment.

"ronald, there's nothing on there." raising her eyebrow challenging him.

"ah hold on." he pointed his wand to the parchment, "i solemnly swear that i am up to no good." dark ink ran across the parchment writing out, 'moony, wormtail, padfoot, and prongs are proud to present, the marauders map' he drew his wand back into his pocket. "this shows where everyone is at all times in hogwarts. fred and george gave it to harry last year, still wonder why they didn't tell me about it... but i thought we may be needing this tonight. so- look snape is down in the dungeons and filch is off chasing peeves."

as he tickled the pear leading into the kitchens she didn't realize just how hungry she was.

winky the elf walked up to them and asked what they wanted. "buttermilk pancakes" briar said. "same thing." ron said after her. when winky brought back two three stacks of pancakes and syrup, she bent over her plate using her fork to cut up the pancakes and swirl the piece into the large amount of syrup on her plate. finishing them in less than ten minutes.

for once ron wasn't stuffing his face, but instead watching briar eat her large amounts of food with her head close to the plate, occasionally lifting her head up to take a sip of juice that came minutes after the pancakes arrived. he smiled to himself, finding her eating rather attractive. when she felt eyes on her she looked up at him, to which he looked down to his food bashfully continuing to eat.

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