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it had been announced that harry potter was in the tournament too even though he was underage. cedric and fleur were also chosen too which made them very happy but me very scared.

tension rose in the common room when i heard people accusing harry of cheating and being a show off even by his own best friend. but i don't understand why harry would put his name in. the look on his face when his name was called was pure surprise. but people of course believed what they wanted to about him. i understood why ron was upset though. i had heard him be referred to as 'harry potters best friend' or 'fred and george's brother' it would get on my nerves too. i heard him talking about the competition and if he could he would enter and repay his parents which i thought was very selfless of him. but this obviously sent him over the edge because he had an outburst with harry in the common room one night. i had walked down to sneak out to go to the astronomy tower but when i overheard voices i stayed behind the wall.

i walked down once i heard foot steps ascending but was met with harry, so i said i just came down and only heard a few words. i also told him i believed he didn't put his name in if that made him feel any better. he nodded sadly and sulked back up to his room. i could tell it didn't mean much to him but i thought i might as well try to help him feel better.

cedric came prancing over to me at breakfast a few days later and told me to come and watch him practice quidditch then go to hogsmeade with him afterwards. i agreed and he told me he would pick me up from my common room after classes.


it was time for cedric to come and get me so i changed out of my school robes and into something better (outfit seen below) it wasn't too chilly out today so i put on black tights, doc martens, a black skirt, a graphic tee, a leather jacket, and a tiny white bag. i also put on some makeup which consisted of mascara and black eyeliner. i have never been to hogsmeade and i heard it's fantastic so i wanted to get all dressed up for the occasion.

when i walked down to the common room whilst putting 'the bell jar' and my wallet in the purse i stumbled upon the golden trio sitting on the couches in a deep conversation. ron was sitting off to the side obviously still angry with harry. we made awkward eye contact and smiled to each other as i kept walking to the portrait hole. then i suddenly heard.


i scrunched up my face and slowly turned around. "yes?"

it was hermione. "you look nice, where are you off to?" she said as she got up from the sofa. i have talked to hermione a tiny bit in class and the library but besides that we were strangers.

"um i was going to watch cedric practice quidditch then go to hogsmeade..."

i heard ron scoff but was too confused with the whole situation to register.

she advanced closer to me "oh..."


she got closer to me and whispered "i can't stand being with these boys, can i walk out with you? i don't have to come with you but i just need a reason to get out of here."

i bit my lip. "oh um, well i was gonna meet cedric here... but i'm sure he won't mind."

she bid her goodbyes as she called out "i'm going to watch quidditch practice with briar! i'll see you later!" but before they could reply she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room.

i was greeted with the kind eyes and fluffy hair of cedric diggory as i walked out. his smile faltered when he saw hermione come beside me.

"oh um- hello?"

"don't worry i'm not third wheeling." hermione said quickly.

"oh no we aren't-"

"no we're not-"

both of us paused after talking at the same time.

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