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as briar walked down the halls to get to the hufflepuff common room, she saw a shadow at the other end of the hallway walking towards her. hoping it wasn't a teacher she kept walking preparing an excuse if it was a teacher.

as the shadow got closer she saw a head of platinum blonde hair causing her to roll her eyes.

"filthy half blood." he spat at her.

"what is your problem? are you mad at me cause i punched you? or because i rejected you? or is it both reasons?" briar stared daggers into him.

he scoffed, "please, i didn't even like you. and once i found out you're a blood traitor, and a half blood any chance of me considering you went out the window."

"whatever, at least i'm not a little bitch boy." and with that she walked off, glad she got the last word.

she followed cedric's directions of how to get to the common room, "go down to the kitchens and it's in a nook on the right hand side of the kitchen corridor."

as she arrived to the common room she had just realized, she didn't know how to get in. looking down to the barrels sat in front of her, she started weighing her options. she could either, wait merlin knows how long for cedric to hopefully walk out of his common room, or try and guess the tapping pattern on the barrels, cedric had told her the way to get in but not how. she knew what happened to trespassers when they didn't get the pattern correct, they got drenched in vinegar, again cedric told her about the vinegar. briar didn't know what else to do, so she started guessing by tapping on random barrels. even though she knew what would happen to her if she got the pattern wrong, she still yelped when the cold vinegar was poured onto her.

as she started to wipe away the vinegar from her eyes, opening them back up she was met with a girl standing in front of her. she must have came out of the common room while she was rubbing away the vinegar.

"who are you?" the girl asked pursing her lips.

"briar." she replied obviously annoyed.

"why are you trying to get into our common room?"

"i was looking for cedric- wait, how did you even know i was out here?"

the girl's cheeks blushed instantly at cedric's name. regaining composure she spoke again, "do you think we don't get word when someone is trying to break into our common room?"

when briar didn't answer the girl motioned for briar to follow her.

as they got into the common room briar looked around admiring it. it was beautiful. there were plants hanging from the ceiling, on shelves, in windows, atop their fire place, and on tables. inviting light poured into the room lighting it up perfectly, their fireplace wasn't as big as the gryffindor's, but it fit the room perfectly. she looked up to see a portrait of helga hufflepuff toasting to her. there were candles stationed all around the room. the chairs and tables were all made of wood, the majority of the room was wood. books and quills were sprawled across the tables as well as scarves hanging off of tables.

just about everyone who was in the common room at that moment turned to see the gryffindor in their midst, clearly confused how and why she was there.

the girl, who still hasn't told briar her name, led her over to a couch by the fireplace. "uh hi cedric, this girl was waiting for you outside." smiling, her voice instantly got nice and flirty and higher pitched.

"ah, thanks romona. i'll see you around, yeah?" cedric smiled back. he fully knew the effect he had on girls, and definitely knew what he was doing just then.

'romona' nodded eagerly before going off to squeal with her friends in the corner.

"what happened to you?" he asked looking briar up and down. "your common room happened to me." she replied sourly suddenly remembering how sticky she was.

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