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they both walked out of detention clutching their limp hands as they walked to the infirmary.

"i still can't believe he made us write over 300 lines."

"i'd much rather take the cauldron cleaning over that." ron responded.

once they reached the doors they walked in quickly.

madam pomfrey ran over to them immediately examining each of their aching hands. "he shouldn't have made you two write so many lines your hands would hurt for being late." she shook her head, "here, you both can sit down over here. i have a potion that can take away the pain."

they watched as she scurried off, rummaging through cabinets.

"he's such a git." ron mumbled angrily.

"you know, his hand felt as though he had been touching a corpse before class." briar said trying to lighten the mood.

ron smiled slightly as madam pomfrey came rushing back towards them, dabbing on the potion with a bit of cotton to their hands.

it stung when it first made impact, but it quickly faded away.

once she was finished applying the solution she stood up stuffing the cork back into the top of the bottle, "now, this does make the pain go away, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't rest your hands. just maybe for a day or so. if you use your hand too much before it's healed it could just become worse than before. so i urge you, don't do any writing of long essays, holding large objects, and or anything that may involve lots of impact on the muscles in your hand."

they nodded in response as they thanked her and made their way to their dormitories.


"so..." harry paused, "what happened this morning?"

"what do you mean?" ron asked clearly confused.

harry rolled his eyes, "you both weren't in your dorms last night, slept together in the common room, missed breakfast, were over an hour late to class, and looked like a complete mess, showing up to said class."

"what are you implying?" ron said slowly. "as if it isn't obvious what i'm asking." harry scoffed whispering to himself, "did you shag?" he finally spat out.

"WHAT?!" ron stood straight up from his bed, eyes wide, and face flushed a light shade of pink, "that's- that's barbaric! we're just friends!"

"hm." harry hummed, unamused with his answer.

as much as he would like to admit how badly he really does want to shag her he isn't about to tell that to harry, he can't keep his mouth shut for the life of him.

"i'm... going to bed." ron said slowly, sitting back onto his mattress.


"hey!" briar ran up to ron the next morning at breakfast, "so i was thinking about summer... what if you came over to my house for a day or two, because my mum won't be home and there's this amusement park that just opened, and i thought it would be fun to show you it."

"what's an amusement park?" ron asked with his mouth full of bacon. "it's this place where there's games and rollercoasters and- well i'd just have to show you. but i have a feeling you would like it." briar answered, staring into his eyes awaiting an answer. "yeah- yeah, sure. i'd have to ask mum, but i'm sure she wouldn't mind..." ron paused and chuckled slightly, "or even notice."


later that day briar was sitting by the fire with toulouse reading, as she usually did. ron, hermione, and harry were on the couches together whispering, but not whispering quietly enough.

she was about to turn the page, when a hand softly lowered the book from her face.

when she looked up she saw two red heads hovering over her, smiling, like they had something planned.

"hello boys." briar smiled back, tilting her head slightly to the side, "and what do i owe the pleasure?"

"we just wanted to have a chat." george said, sitting on the arm rest to her left. "it seems you've been stealing away our little ronnie." fred, repeating george's actions, sat down on the right arm rest. "we just wanted to see what was going on with you two." george leaned down to get closer to briar's face.

"nothings going on." briar blushed slightly.

"on the contrary," fred says standing up, "he spends all his free time with you, talks about you all the time, and we have heard rumors about you two."

"i can't help that he loves me more than you." briar teased, not catching onto what they were really inferring to.

"oh no, we love this little match made in heaven-" fred defended. "- adore it." george cut off. "but we just want to know if it's true." fred finished his thought.

"if what's true?"

"that you two are, you know," george pointed his finger between her and ron going back and forth, "a thing."

"what? no." she laughed loudly.

"well... we heard that you two came into snape's class late and all hot and bothered-" george began.

"- you know, hair messed up, clothes poorly put on...out of breath." fred said lowering his voice for the last bit and smirking.

briar couldn't hold back her fit of laughter at this point, "you both are making something out of nothing."

fred squinted his eyes looking at her, drawing his face closer to hers.

"honest." briar said, now settling down slightly, "we woke up late, so we rushed to get ready, end of story."

the twins sighed. "well what did we expect?" george rolled his eyes.

"personally, i didn't think he would do anything like that until he was at least 40." fred chuckled.

"really? my bets were on 30." george laughed back.

"oh no, no, no. ickle ronniekins has little to no game..." fred answered as they walked away.

briar furrowed her eyebrows before she looked down, expecting to see toulouse on her thighs. when she didn't, she looked around the room hoping to see her cat.

soon her eyes locked on ron lightly stroking toulouse's fur as she purred on his lap.

he was explaining something about quidditch to hermione as she acted as though she didn't care, although it was clear to see she was listening intently.

briar rolled her eyes as she got up from her seat and slipped up to her dorm.

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