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the yule ball and christmas was drawing nearer and nearer. all of the girls were bursting with excitement and it seemed like even some of the boys came around to the idea. the ball was going to be held in a few short days and briar had been talking to dean more so that it wouldn't be awkward at the ball. since dean was in most of her classes she took the liberty of sitting next to him, asking for help from him, and asking to team up at times. it seemed to be working but briar wasn't feeling any sort of romantic connection with him, she assured herself that he didn't either and just asked her because he had no one else.

briar felt neutral about the dance but was very excited for christmas. she was very good at gift giving but was very awkward at dances. she couldn't quite let herself be loose unless she was under the influence or with people she felt very comfortable around. either way she was going to try her best to get out of her bubble more when the dance would come.

briar made her way down to the quidditch pitch to watch dean practice since he invited her but she also went for ginny. it was hard to take her eyes off of ginny, she glided through the air so perfectly. she looked to her left as she saw neville climbing up the stands. "why aren't you down there with the team?"

"well you know me, flying isn't really my thing." he said bashfully. she remembered hearing the story ron told her in their first year in attempt to probably embarrass neville but she found it quite cute.

with toulouse in her lap she held her out to neville seeing if he would like to hold her. 

toulouse was a very good cat, she slept anytime she could but didn't mind being woken up, sometimes wouldn't wake up even when being picked up. she would let briar hold her however and as long as she wanted. still being a baby she could easily slip away from briar but was too loyal towards her. when she walked somewhere toulouse would follow by her side. she was protective of briar and would hiss at crookshanks if he took her attention away from herself. she was a friendly cat, but very protective and wanted to know briar wouldn't leave her. she would do the same everyday, sprawl herself out in front of the fire in the common room at night before joining briar up to sleep. toulouse didn't mind being scratched anywhere, if she didn't like any certain place she would just lightly tap her paw on the person's hand. many first years would fawn over toulouse and play with her as briar read. besides briar toulouse was very fond of fred weasley. when he would sit in the common room she would sit in his feet or his lap and rub her head up against his chest asking for attention. she was also very touchy. she would go anywhere she liked and would only follow briar's orders to do anything she didn't specifically want to. she would usually sit on briar's lap as she read but sometimes she would climb up the chair's arm rest briar would be sitting in and lay on her shoulder. when she was in the playing mood she would lightly play with briar's hair but not enough to pull it too hard. she loved chasing toys around the room and would often get people toppling over trying not to step on her. but that was rare she was mostly found sleeping or laying on briar purring.

briar would often stay late in the common room reading or waiting till toulouse wanted to go back up to her room or playing a game with someone. ron would often stay late too which would usually lead to a conversation and sneaking out to get a snack some nights or going to the astronomy tower. sometimes it seemed like he would wait just so they would have their nightly hangouts. ron would usually stay up late playing a game with people sometimes chess with briar, or counting up money he owed people. which she found very admirable because even though she wasn't too keen on people buying her things when she did she would quickly forget to pay them back, which they never minded.

some nights briar would throw in the towel early and pick up toulouse even if she was still asleep. sometimes she would fall asleep in the common room either while reading, doing homework, or mid conversation with ron.

that evening briar was sitting staring at the fire intently. no one seemed to notice besides ron. as people started filing out of the room he walked over to her and whispered, "are you ok?" she quickly snapped out of her daze and looked up to him. "yes" she replied looking back into the fire. he started to grow worried for her "are you sure?"

"i'm just thinking."

"about what?" she sighed glaring up at him, "you'll laugh at me." he shook his head while furrowing his brows. after a long silence she finally spoke up.

"i was trying to remember a spell to magic a muggle device to work here in hogwarts." he nodded not sure what to say, "well that's not bad at all, my father loves muggle stuff once magicked a car to fly." she looked up at him with wide eyes "what spell, how?"

he started to get a little freaked out. "please don't think i'm crazy i just want to watch a movie, i've been going insane not being able to." she sighed. "uh i can write to him and ask if you would like..."

she smiled brightly. "yes please, that would be wonderful help." she pleaded.

he nodded looking over to toulouse who was stirring in front of the fireplace. "probably a bad dream." she answered his mental question. she lightly picked her up and started stroking her fur as she 'shushed' her quietly. after about a minute toulouse stopped stirring and went limp again into peaceful sleep.

amazed ron spoke up, "seems like your good at that." she chuckled dryly, "want to go up to the astronomy tower?"

"only if we can get food first i'm starving."

"me too." briar said standing up.

"won't she try and run away?" he said looking down to the kitten still in her hands. she looked at him like he had three heads and shook her head.

swinging open the portrait door ron held it open for her. she rolled her eyes at his gesture but continued walking forward.

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