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SHUT UP 1k TOTAL READS THANK YOU. anyways this ones for you guys😭

everything was fine again with ron but other people were still calling her rude insults but she had learned to accept it at this point.

they were in potions class when snape was droning on about some potion that was extremely hard to make. briar checked out after about the fourth time he took a long pause then said about the same thing over again.

she was so tired, but she wasn't about to fall asleep in class cause one, that would be embarrassing, and two, she doesn't want to get yelled at in front of snape by everyone.

her eyes wandered around the room like they did in DADA. hermione was listening intently scribbling down notes and harry was staring at the rain trickling down the windows.

"MR WEASLEY." snape shouted as he hit his hands down on the top of ron's table, "if you do not stop dozing off in my class, i will not be afraid to take house points."

ron shot up wide eyed nodding quickly, obviously frightened of what snape just did.

"now, back to what i was saying..." snape snarled.

and it went on like that for a while longer, briar would occasionally pretend to take notes and stare at him so he would think she was listening. but everything was going in one ear and out the other.

with her head in her hand she felt her eyes get heavy but jumped slightly when she heard snape yell again.

"mr weasley!" he stepped forward slightly, "can you tell me at least three ingredients needed to brew a shrinking solution?"

ron turned bright red, "i'm sorry sir, i don't know."

"oh, out of all the many different ingredients you can't even tell me three?" he smiled devilishly making ron sweat excessively.

he nodded his head no and gulped waiting for his punishment to ensue.

"well, maybe if you weren't staring at mrs rose the entire class, you could have answered the question. detention, mr weasley."

people in the class started to giggle slightly as briar's face turned into a deep crimson color.


deciding not to speak anything of what snape had pointed out in class earlier, briar was walking with ron to their care of magical creatures class when a platinum blonde came strutting up to them.

"well, look what we have here, a weasel and a whore."

"bugger off." ron clenched his jaw and stepped forward.

"walk along malloy." briar pulled ron back slightly.

"weasley cant even fight his own battles, has to get a girl to help him." draco laughed loudly. "there's nothing wrong with a girl defending someone. if your testosterone weren't so high, maybe you would see that." briar sarcastically smiled.

draco's smile dropped quickly, "personally, i'm glad i'm not diggory, it's sad he has to be associated with a slut like you." he spat out.

briar stood there trying not to show that all of the names were starting to get to her. she never left his eyes, ready to spit out another insult. but ron had other plans, he was fuming, he lunged at draco after just a few mere seconds of silence.

he pushed him up against the wall hard, causing draco to whimper quietly.

"you're a bastard." ron spoke deeply, raising his arm to hit him.

he got in a few good swings before a teacher came along and pulled them apart.

"mr weasley, to the headmaster's office this instant." he said pointing in the direction to dumbledore's office.

ron rolled his eyes before stomping off to the office.


briar was standing nearby dumbledore's office waiting for ron to be released.

once she saw a flash of ginger hair she ran up to him, "what did he say?"

"more detention." ron grumbled clearly upset.

"i think you were amazing back there."

he looked down to her slightly confused but didn't want to ask questions.

"come on, let's go clean you up." she took the hand that wasn't bloody and pulled him towards one of the nearby bathrooms.

as they entered she took a paper towel, wetted it, and wrung it out just enough to be damp still. "you don't have to do that." ron mumbled.

"nonsense. besides, i like cleaning you up." she smiled as she kneeled down in front of him, lightly pressing the damp paper towel to his knuckles. "you did quite the number on him." she continued, "fred and george will love it when they hear this."

"i guess so... he deserved it, calling you that... stuff."

"it's fine really, i'm kinda starting to get used to it."

"but you shouldn't have to 'get used to it' that's crass."

"it's ok ron. it will die down soon, something more interesting will happen, probably with harry to be honest, and they will barely remember those rumors about me."

it got silent as she continued to slowly dab his knuckles with the damp paper towel until ron spoke up, "can i ask you a question?" she nodded signifying that as a 'yes.' he took a small breath before talking again, "was there anything going on- between you and cedric i mean."

she looked up and blinked at him before laughing slightly, "not in a million years, he's like my brother. which no one can seem to catch onto, except for the fact that i've been saying this countless amounts of times. but no, nothing happened, and nothing is ever going to happen. he's with cho and i would never want to mess that up for him."

"i see..." ron whispered slightly.

"accio bandage." briar held her wand out, pointing towards the bathroom door.

she wrapped it just tightly enough to stay around his hand, "there, you're all patched up." she smiled up at him innocently.

ron couldn't lie, he wasn't have the most holy feelings right now. he quickly got up and brushed off his pants as if there was dust on them.

"right- well thank you." ron stuttered as they headed for the door.

hey besties i'm going off to sleep away came next week for a week and phones aren't allowed so i'll update the rest of this week until i have to leave but by then i'll be gone for a week but then i'll come back and update a bunch. xoxo

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