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tw: negative thoughts

briar and ron didn't get the chance to talk much after they watched a movie and fell asleep in briar's dorm. she was also preoccupied hanging out with luna, ginny, and or neville. jessie was a close contender, but when ron saw her she was always with those three.

it was wednesday afternoon and briar walked into the great hall for lunch. hermione flagged her down to go and sit with them. she sat down and made herself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "sorry i haven't been hanging out with you lot. i've been quite busy." hermione shook her head quickly dismissing what she had said. "so, briar, anything new with you?" she shook her head before taking a sip of water. "not even your date later?" she said cheekily. nearly chocking on her water she swallowed and asked, "how did you know?"

"i overheard him ask you sunday morning. what are you gonna wear? where is he taking you?"

"ok hermione, i'm not a big fan of all that romantic stuff i like everything to be relaxed not cheesy. and i don't know and the black lake. or somewhere near the black lake? i don't know." looking over to harry and ron she caught ron roll his eyes before he stabbed his fork at his plate.

she only had one more class left then she had to go on her date. she honestly did like jessie she was just insanely nervous a guy like him surely wouldn't want a girl like her. "hermione?" she hummed in response. "what if this is all a joke. like what if this is all some big prank?" hermione put down her fork staring at her "is that actually what you think?"

"well i mean, look at me."


after hermione had convinced briar that jessie pursuing her wasn't come cruel joke, she left class and walked up to her dorm to get ready.

she pulled out of her closet and threw on mom jeans, a white button down underneath a yellow turtleneck sweater vest with flowers sewn on, doc martens, and a big brown jacket. she let her hair down straight and did her makeup.

once she was done she went down to the common room and saw jessie sitting on a sofa talking to ron. "um... jessie?"

"ah, there you are. me and weasel were just talking about you. are you ready to go?" looking down at ron then back at jessie she nodded where he took her hand. "his names weasley." she said shyly. "ah, right. sorry i heard another kid call him that. assumed that was his last name."

instead of walking out of the castle he took briar up to the bridge in the castle over looking the water and the snowy ground. "figured it would be too cold to actually go down by the lake." jessie started conversation by complimenting briar and asking different questions about her. she wasn't giving him much to work with. "why aren't you talking?"

"i'm nervous." she spoke honestly. without saying anything else jessie grabbed her shoulder to turn her to face him. he bent down to her level and kissed her with no warning.

her first kiss. it was weird. he pulled away then went back in moving his lips against hers. she didn't know how to snog so she just tried to do what he was doing. it felt really weird, their saliva mixing together.

he soon broke away again and looked down to her "we'll have to work on that." she looked down embarrassed, she couldn't help that she didn't know how to kiss. pulling her out of her thoughts he grabbed her hand and walked with her back to the common room. weirdly the kiss did seem to calm her nerves because she leaned a little closer to him as they walked back.


it had been a couple weeks of briar and jessie's relationship. he had asked her to be his girlfriend to which she said yes. jessie always seemed to be taking up her time. pulling her away when she was with friends, distracting her in classes, having her sit and talk with him during meals and in the common room.

briar of course was oblivious to this, him being her first boyfriend. she told herself that this is what you do in relationships, you spend anytime you have together. it wasn't long until jessie tried kissing her in the common room to which she would tell him that people were watching. he would get her to sleep his room most nights always making advances on her. but again she would say "this is ron's room too."

ron was growing angry towards jessie. he didn't think he hated anyone more. he didn't know why exactly he hated him. probably because jessie took his friend and would always get her to sleep in their room. jessie and ron barely talked and when they did it would consist of jessie asking for advice on briar and ron being passive aggressive.

briar really did like jessie but also felt as if there was something missing. jessie would get mad at her a lot when she would say no to going farther than kissing. she didn't do things she liked with him very often. she didn't invite him to watch movies with her in her room, she didn't sneak out with him to the kitchens at night, and she didn't play wizards chess with him. he had never seen her even laugh at one of her jokes. it was like he was slowly turning into a different person from when they first started hanging out. but briar convinced herself that it was normal and that she is just being picky and judge mental.

briar was in her own bed, for once, one night where she was lost deep in thought. she realized she hadn't seen her friends nearly at all the past few weeks, and decided that starting tomorrow she was going to hangout with them more again. and if jessie didn't like it she would just tell him, "you hangout with your friends, why can't i?"

when she started seeing her friends more frequently again she told him that and he said he couldn't argue with that. still most of her time was consumed by jessie. but on the occasions she got to breakaway, she would go spend time with any one of her friends.

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