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she looked up to see him rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.


"whatcha doing?" he asked slowly sitting across from her.

she pursed her lips as she stared at him, "homework."

"i should really get on that shouldn't i?" he chuckled dryly.

after no response he spoke up again, "are you upset with me?"

he gulped, trending very lightly in the water around her.

"hm? no. just very busy, sorry but i've got to go." she answered briskly before gathering her things and walking away.

ron watched as she walked across the common room, up to none other than fred.

jealousy quickly starting coursing through his veins. but, he just sat and watched their encounter from afar.

"briar, my love." fred said cheekily, loud enough for anyone who was nearby to hear.

"fred my love." she rolled her eyes standing over him.

he was sitting on the couch with his legs spread out, so there was barely enough room for anyone else to sit.

"can you tell me why exactly i have to stay away from ron?" she huffed, pushing her hair out of her face.

fred leaned forward on the couch, "it's all part of the plan sweetheart. patience is a virtue."

"whatever-" briar turned on her heel beginning to walk out of the common room, before a hand grabbed her arm, spinning her around to face them. "alright, fine." fred sighed, "meet me in hogsmeade tomorrow after classes, it's a weekend we can go down there, go to the three broomsticks, and dress up." he yelled the last bit seeing as though he was walking backwards back to the couch he was originally sitting at.

ron watched from a distance, his hands creating fists.

seeing his brother so close to the only person he had to himself hit a nerve that was easy to mess with.

he was about to stand up and walk over to them, to pull him away from her, and make up some lame excuse, until a hand rested on his shoulder.

"ron? are you alright?" hermione's sweet voice rung out into his ears, easing him slightly.

"just peachy." ron sarcastically smiled as he stood up from his chair and walked up to his dorm.

hermione followed where his eye line was going, to see briar and fred.

hermione didn't hate briar. but the jealousy that she caused her made hermione dislike her.

she did think briar was nice, pretty, smart, caring, and more. everything made sense as to why ron would be drawn to her. but it just made her bitter, wishing she were briar.


hermione stood next to ron after dancing the first dance with victor.

he was stationed near the bottom of the stairs, leading into the hall.

he looked overcome with boredom, twiddling his thumbs, and scuffing his shoes on the freshly polished floor.

"having fun?" she asked meekly.

"hermione, the ball has only just started- but no, i'm not."

"well... if you would like to share a dance, i think they are going to play another song soon, it might make you feel better..." she flattened out her dress, trailing off at the end of her sentence to find out ron hadn't been listening at all. but to see he was staring in awe at a gorgeous briar descending down the stairs.

she looked perfect, she was everything hermione wishes she was.

briar didn't have to use magic, or enormous amounts of hair products to tame her hair, didn't need to make herself present in a room to get attention, she naturally had all the eyes on her, had at least one magical parent and wasnt called a 'mudblood' every five seconds by draco and his goons, didn't have buck teeth for many years, being teased and ridiculed over them endlessly, and lastly, she had the only pair of eyes that mattered to her, practically attached to herself.

why had she even come with victor? she asked herself. she knew she wasn't too interested in him.

as briar came to the bottom of the steps, she walked towards dean, who was also, ironically, standing nearby.

dean looked at her as if he had seen her in a whole new light, as if she were even more beautiful than she was before, if that's even possible.

she looked back over to ron to see his eyes glued to her as she walked by. walking towards her, as if it was in his second nature.

tapped on the shoulder, hermione looked up to see victor krum standing over her holding the drinks she insisted on getting, but never did. motioning her back out to the dance floor.


"ced, i've told you a million times- you don't need lifts in your shoes, you're already six feet!" briar cried, not being able to hold back her laughter.

"six foot one, briar, six foot one." he corrected her as he took the lifts out of his shoes.

"why are we even in your dorm? we usually are in mine." she questioned looking around at the other beds.

"because, i'm sick of all the gryffindors staring at me when i walk through the common room, plus it doesn't help cho feel comfortable knowing i'm in your room a lot, alone."

briar sighed as she laid back onto cedric's bed, "ok first of all, you are like my brother. secondly, you always have eyes on you. you're cedric diggory. everybody stares at you and adores you, no matter the house. and third, my room is much better, i don't have to have roommates."

"fine, next time we will stay in your room, happy?"

"very much so."

the ending is really just a filler so sorry for the sudden change. and idk i thought heather kinda fit this chapter. anyways thanks again for 2k xoxo

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