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felt appropriate

briar was roaming the halls asking herself if there was a place in this huge castle that she could be truly alone, and not in her room. somewhere someone wouldn't know to find her.

she stared at the door that appeared and slowly stepped into the room.

it had her bed sitting in the room with a glass of ice water sitting on the table beside it. "hello?" she thought this was too good to be true. she lied in the bed and pulled the covers over her head. she grabbed onto a pillow and hugged it as she fell asleep.


"where is she?" jessie fuming.

"wheres who?"

he scoffed "please, i know you know where briar is" ron looked up at him like he was insane "is she missing?" jessie rolled his eyes before asking, "do you know where she could be?" he shook his head.

she had missed dinner. "what was he on about?" ginny came up behind him. "wanted to know where briar was."

"oh, where is she?" cocking her head to the side "she wasn't in transfiguration, mcgonagall told me."

"how am i supposed to know where she is?" she shrugged before walking away from her unfinished plate of food. he pressed his lips into a line and picked up her untouched drumstick and bit into it. after he was finished, he took a napkin and started making a peanut butter jelly sandwich also grabbing a cup of pumpkin juice.


she woke up three hours later, yawning, realizing she had missed transfiguration and dinner had ended 20 minutes ago. she scrambled out of the bed ran to the door slowly opening it to see if anyone would see her. after not seeing any students or teachers nearby she quickly shut the door behind her and watched it fade into the wall. she had another hour until she was supposed to be in her dorm.

making her way down to the library she saw it was basically deserted looking through the books about hogwarts. sitting down against the bookshelf she began reading, stopping when she saw the 'room of requirement'

the chapter explained all of her questions. she felt a sharp tap on her shoulder to see madam pince standing above her. taking this as that she had to leave she started towards the door.

standing in front of the fat friar she whispered the password as she sang very loudly. growing impatient she said the password louder making the portrait reluctantly swing open. she was tired, hungry, and irritable. as she shut the door she looked over to the fire to see if toulouse was basking in the heat, instead she saw ron sitting there looking as if he was dozing off.

"ron?" he jumped hearing his name pulling him out of his daze. "briar! sorry- i saw you weren't at dinner and figured you might be hungry..." holding up the napkin and cup. she smiled down at him lowering herself into the seat next to him. "thank you." she didn't waste any time in a matter of time she was done her sandwich and juice. licking her lips she looked over to see ron looking at her lips.

"so... did i miss anything while i was gone?" he shook in head in response. he opened his mouth to talk before jessie came barging in, "briar! there you are! i was worried about you."

"well here i am." he sat down looking to ron before forcing his lips onto hers. she pulled away just as fast as he kissed her, "jessie... not now." referring to ron sitting not even a foot away from them. he rolled his eyes "well will you at least sneak up later? you owe me."

"i'll do it tomorrow, i'm really tired."

he looked down at her stern faced she matched his expression in a matter of seconds staring into his eyes softly. "... fine." he finally spat out.

Loverboy - ron weasley Where stories live. Discover now