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the next day briar went to her classes and when she went to dinner she sat alone reading and listening to music as she usually did unless someone flagged her down or if she was in the mood for conversing.

walking back to the common room she was thinking of ways she could make some extra money. 'maybe make a bet with the twins?' she thought. but knowing how well they knew hogwarts and she didn't she would probably lose. after weighing more options she went up to her room and saw the dress she was eyeing yesterday in hogsmeade hanging on her closet door.

"which one of you did this?" she asked busting open hermione and ginny's door. their eyes widened, "wow briar, that dress is going to look amazing on you!" hermione exclaimed. "yeah your gonna look hot!" ginny said eyeing the dress.

"wait- none of you bought me this?"

they looked at her with blank expressions and shook their heads. she walked back into her room confused and then remembered fleur was there too. she threw the dress onto her bed and huffed her way down to the beauxbatons carriage. passing neville who asked why she looked so angry but she didn't answer because she didn't want to lash out on him. she knew her old headmaster would let her in even though hogwarts students weren't allowed into their carriage.

she reached her destination and banged onto the door. it opened to a student she recognized but never talked to and walked in. "wheres fleur?"

everyone was silent. "where is fleur?" she repeated.

"hm?" she heard an airy voice call out. "FLEUR- WHY DID YOU BUY ME THAT DRESS?!" briar fumed. she hated when people bought things for her she didn't mind if it was her birthday or christmas but out of the blue she didn't like. she just smiled at briar knowing she could calm her down. "i did no such thing."

briar shook her head, "yes you did! i know you did. just remind me how much and i'll pay you back." her smile grew bigger "i don't remember how much." briar knew that was a lie fleur was one of the smartest people she knew and barely forgot anything. seeing her stare fleur put her dainty hands onto her shoulders, "it is an early christmas gift."

suddenly noticing the scene she caused she bit her lip and nodded, "fine, but i'm not going to be able to give you something as extravagant. you know that."

"i don't need anything extravagant. whatever you get me i will love."

briar knew she was being truthful because of the shine in her eyes as she said it. she sighed and hugged fleur tightly "thank you." she whispered.

"wait." briar said pulling away, "how did you get into my room?"

she smiled mischievously "it was very simple, i simply asked a boy wearing gryffindor robes what your password was and he gave it to me." for once briar was happy with the effect fleur had on boys.


sitting in the great hall scribbling away luna sat across from her reading her quibbler briar looking up from her parchment scoffed. "how are you not drowning in work?" luna just shrugged and turned her page, "i could help you." briar shook her head, she hated having help. mostly because she would get upset with the other person bu the way they did things and liked to figure stuff out on her own. but when it came to school briar usually pushed past her rule and didn't mind getting the answers. but it wasn't that she didn't understand it was that she wasn't focused on her transfiguration homework.

"come on." luna said standing up. "what? where?"

luna didn't and answer and instead started walking out of the hall. briar scrambled shoving her notes into her bag as she ran to catch up with her. walking down to the greenhouse briar realized what was going on.

"neville? neville are you here?"

shooting up behind an abundance of plants his face flushed "yes- yes, oh hello." briar, confused with how this would help her schoolwork she leaned over to luna and whispered, "luna i'm not complaining, but why are we here?" she didn't answer again as she walked towards neville. "tell us about these plants you've got." neville's face lit up and he went on about the different plants he had found recently. unlike other people briar liked listening to neville talk about what he was passionate about. she loved seeing people's faces light up when they were asked to go on or asked a question to know more about what the person was so brightly talking about. plus she loved listening to people, she had been told many times she was a good listener and liked to use to to her advantage.

luna soon left after looking out into the grass mumbling something which left her and neville, which she didn't mind at all. once he was done talking briar looked at him and said, "you know, i looked up your name." his cheeks blushed as she continued, "it means 'new village' i don't know why but i think that suits you well." he smiled at her not sure what to say. "come on, let's go back to the common room it's getting late." yelling to luna that they were leaving they stalked up the hill to the castle.


briar was honestly so glad fleur had bought her that dress because now she could use her money to buy christmas gifts. that weekend she went down to hogsmeade and saw cedric looking at a book. briar got really close behind cedric and whispered, "what are you doing?" springing up on him. he turned around pushing the book across the table as other books fell.

"b- i uh, what are you doing here?"

"christmas shopping."

"ah..." he looked very stressed. "what's the matter?" she asked calmly. he sighed "i want to get cho a really nice present but i'm not sure what to get her, i really like her you know." she had never seen cedric so tongue tied before. "well..." she started "i personally don't like very romantic cheesy things. but i have noticed cho eyeing some jewelry when i was down here a few days ago."

cedric's face beamed as if he didn't even think of jewelry "thank you b!" he said as he bent down to kiss her cheek. "dont mention it."

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