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as i promised here's your chapter👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

briar woke up to seeing bright sunlight, even behind her eyelids. she opened them not thinking and winced, closing them again. as she sat up she realized she wasn't in her dorm, but in the common room couch. lazily scanning the room, she saw ron slouched in a chair snoring quietly.

she smiled while looking at him before her expression changed quickly, remembering it was a monday morning. she jumped off of the couch and searched the room for a clock, seeing the time was 9:45 am.

she was late for class.

she ran over to ron and lightly started shaking him to wake up. when he didn't move, but only snored louder, she shook him harder until he slowly opened his eyes, "oi, woman what are you doing?"

"it's 9:45- now 9:46 am!" she shouted anxiously. "why does that matter?" ron yawned.

"it's monday ron, we have snape right now!"

he shot up wildly, "well what are you waiting for?! we're already 46 minutes late!"

ron darted for his dorm, pulling off his shirt as he ran up the stairs. briar, stood there looking at the doorway he just left with her eyebrows knitted together. she shook her head, and blinked a couple times before starting towards her own dorm.

she took off her sleep clothes and lulled around her room looking for a clean white buttoned shirt.

almost all of them were either worn so much they smelled, or had little bits of food stains on them. when she couldn't find one she opted for a long sleeved shirt. she knew she would be sweating but didn't have time to sit there wasting her minutes. she pulled on the first gryffindor robe she found, grabbed a plaid skirt, not bothering to tuck in her shirt, white socks, her black converse, and her gryffindor tie. as sloppily tied her tie around her neck, it hung off to the side slightly with the back sticking out. she didn't care enough to fix it seeing that it was now 9:52. she quickly brushed out her hair, hurting her scalp from brushing too fast and too hard.

she grabbed her bag and stuffed random books inside she figured she might need, her wand, and her homework.

she ran down the steps almost falling two times, but caught herself. she saw ron sitting in one of the seats shaking his left leg up and down impatiently. when she entered the room he turned to face her, "finally, you took forever."

"why did you wait for me? now he's gonna think we were together." briar whined.

"well... we were together- technically. wouldn't want to lie." ron teased.

she rolled her eyes, grabbing his arm to leave.


once they got to the classroom door, they both stood there, staring at the door. it was 9:58. they were almost an hour late to class.

briar turned to look at ron worriedly. she creased her eyebrows and reached up to fix his hair, "did you even brush your hair this morning?"

"as a matter of fact i did. oi- stop it! you're just messing it up!" ron whisper shouted, running his hands through his hair.

he reached down and copied her actions, ruffling her hair carelessly.

"ooooh lots of knots in here. clearly didn't prepare yourself for classes today." he laughed loudly. "shhh. don't let anyone hear you." briar pulled his hands down, pressing her pointer finger to her lips. ron looked to the door again and back at her, "maybe we should just skip."

"we can't! we could be missing something important." briar whispered back.

"when have we ever missed something important?" ron countered, crossing his arms across his chest.

"many times ron, many times." briar sighed.

"come on bri, we're already an hour late. no one has to know, we can just say we felt sick this morning."

"did you just call me bri?" she asked smiling widely.

"um... yeah. thought it could be my nickname for you... if you don't like it-"

"no i love it."

she considered what he said and then spoke again, "but wouldn't it be suspicious? us both 'feeling sick' at the same time, in the same class as each other?"

"no one can prove anything. we have magic anyways. i could make your head hurt and me have a fever." he rested his hands onto her shoulders comforting her into his suggestion.

she paused and thought about it again. "fine," she breathed out, "but we have to leave right now, before anyone catches us."

"brilliant. i can show you my chocolate frog card collection." he said brightly, clearly excited.

"ok, but let's leave now because i don't want to get caught-"

briar was cut off by the door opening quickly. turning to face who opened the door they were met with none other than professor snape.

"i thought i heard voices." snape said in his usual monotoned voice.

briar and ron stood there in shock. not knowing what to say.

"and why exactly are you two over an hour late to class?" he asked smiling, knowing he had caught them.

"we felt sick." briar stammered out. ron nodded his head agreeing with her statement.

"why didn't you visit the infirmary?"

"it was minor things." ron blurted out. "i had a fever and his head hurt." briar said, not realizing she mixed up their excuses.

without warning snape reached out and put the back of his hand on briar's forehead, "i don't feel a fever."

briar winced feeling his cold hand on her forehead. she wanted more than anything for him to remove his clammy, cold hands from her face.

she gulped, preparing for the worst, "well it was there before."

their professor removed his hand but his eyes shot over to meet ron's right after putting his hand down to his side.

ron was clearly disgusted with snape touching her head. his face was red, and contorted into a surprised expression, his mouth opened slightly and turned down into a frown.

"detention. both of you." he snapped, turning back into the classroom.

briar and ron continued standing there scared and confused. petrified into place.

snape turned to see if the teenagers were following him, his face hardened, "well, what are you waiting for? get in your seats."

they both shuffled awkwardly to their seats, fully embarrassed, knowing everyone was staring at them.

sorry i was gone my loves👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

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