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after briar served her detentions, things went back to normal. instead of going to detentions she would sit in the common room with toulouse and read.

that night she was seated with ron, the twins, neville, and harry. the twins were whispering in the corner about some joke shop, neville was greeting ginny who just walked in with hermione, harry was practicing different defense charms with a pillow, and ron and briar were playing chess quietly.

dean and seamus also entered the room taking seats by the fire.

briar looked down at the game in front of her. she could either sacrifice her pawn in attempt to steal ron's knight, or move her bishop with the chance of ron's rook taking her out. she decided with the first option. ron, being smart didn't take the bait and made a different safe move. she pursed her lips looking at the match so far trying to decide the safest move.

"i saw what you did there." ron mumbled. "i didn't do anything." she smiled, moving her queen slightly.

ron took his turn having time to take in briar's features. he started counting her freckles one by one, there were about 30. right as he was about to count the ones on her arms someone cleared their throat beside them.

briar was too focused to hear it, causing the person to clear their throat again, louder this time. she looked up instantly smiling, "dean, to what do i owe the pleasure?"

"well i was wondering if you could help me study for our quiz in astronomy this week. i'm absolutely horrid in that class." dean smirked.

ron thought for a second, 'dean is great at astronomy. he wouldn't need briar's help' furrowing his brows. ron felt his face heat up instantly hating deans guts again. he hated him at the yule ball and now that hatred grew back.

"um, yeah of course. when were you thinking?"

"tomorrow good?"

watching them make plans to 'study' was aggravating. he wanted to interject, make up an excuse for why briar couldn't meet with him tomorrow, but by the time he found his voice dean had already walked away, clearly proud of himself.

"i don't understand." ron started, "why is he interested in you all of the sudden, he didn't seem to be after the yule ball."

"wow thanks ronald, you know just how to boost a girl's mood."

"oh come on, you aren't dumb enough to not know that dean doesn't want to study, he wants to 'study'." he annunciated the last word by motioning his hands in a sarcastic manor.

"what are you insinuating? me and dean are just friends. i bet he really is just lost in astronomy." she said looking over to dean slightly.

"briar," he looked straight into her eyes "he just wants to shag you."

she scoffed loudly, "so you're saying he just wants me for my body?"


frowning, she stood up from her chair looking down at the board, "looks like you won."

he looked down seeing there was no place for her king to escape. when he looked back up she was gone. guilt rushing over him causing him to bite his lip.


at lunch the next day, dean tapped on briar's shoulder. "for this evening, would you like to go somewhere more secluded to study."

overhearing, ron clenched his fist under the table, with his other hand stabbing at his food.

"yeah sure. where do you want to go?" she asked clearly not taking the hint.

"how about somewhere near the black lake." he suggested. she nodded in return before he walked back to his seat.

"what was that all about?" someone asked behind her.

"ced! you cannot just sneak up on me like that!" she sighed, "he was just confirming a place for us to study later."

"ohhhh to study. getting back on the old love trolley i see." cedric teased.

"why is everyone perceiving our study lesson romantically?! sure we went to the yule ball together, as friends might i add. and now i'm going to help him study, as friends, i might add again." she huffed.

"alright, alright fine." shooting his hands up defensively "nothings going on between you two. but just before i go back to my table may i add, i like him a lot more than that jessie character."

just as briar opened her mouth to scold him, ron abruptly rose from the table, stomping off towards the exit clearly annoyed. harry instantly running after him, "ron- slow down!"

"could you be anymore obvious mate?" he said out of breath from running up to ron.

"obvious about what?" ron spat back.

"well, you do have feelings for her, right?"

"for who? briar? merlin no. as if."

"could've fooled me..." harry mumbled.

"whatever. i'll meet you back at the common room later." ron trudged away becoming smaller and smaller to harry.


after dinner ron was sitting in harry's dorm whom he shared with seamus, dean, and neville. ron was still fascinated with the fact he had gotten his own room this year, seeing as though he wasn't older. as he graded cards with seamus, dean walked in.

grabbing one astronomy book and spraying some mint liquid into his mouth, putting on a sour reaction once he tasted how strong the flavor was.

"where are you off to mate?" seamus looked over as dean changed his shirt.

"got a date. may not even come back tonight, if you know what i mean." he laughed.

"with who?" neville chimed in.

"briar." ron grumbled.

"yeah, she's pretty hot. i know i haven't really talked to her since the yule ball, but i finally got up the courage to ask her out again." dean sighed.

"does she know it's a date?"

"how couldnt she? i made it pretty clear. at least i think so." dean fumbled with his belt as he looked himself in the mirror, "how do i look?"

"i'd shag you." seamus blushed.

dean rolled his eyes smiling before moving towards the door, "wish me luck, eh?"

neville was the only one who seemed to actually be genuine when giving his 'good luck' the rest not so much.

ron clenched his jaw looking down at the cards once more before asking harry if he wanted to play exploding snaps in the common room. walking down a few seconds after dean had.

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