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everyone waited expectantly, staring at the exit for the maze. briar couldn't do anything else, couldn't think of anything else, than cedric. she could care less about harry and fleur at the moment, she knew it was selfish to say but cedric was family to her. he was like her older brother. fleur, they were friends, but not the best of. and harry, well they didn't even really like each other all that much, or speak to each other. she couldn't help it that she cared more for cedric than any of the others.

to try and pass the time, and get her mind on happier things, she thought of some good memories her and cedric had shared,


"i can't believe you actually did that!" cedric cried.

she rubbed her knuckle, blushing furiously, "it wasn't, that, crazy..."

"what are you talking about?!" he cried again, "you punched draco malfoy in the face!"

he had heard about the punch from around the school, she was too embarrassed to tell him herself.

"it wasn't a big deal. he was being a dick, so i put him in his place." briar smiled to herself, knowing what she did was more than what most of the people at hogwarts would do to teach draco a lesson.

~another flashback~

"i don't want to play hide and seek anymore ced!"

"fine then. what do you want to play?" cedric bent down to briar's level, he had always had some height on her.

"barbies." she smiled.

"fine." cedric caved in, without much of a fight. after hearing this briar was beaming, "wait- really?!"

"yeah. now come on and get them before i change my mind."

she ran into her living room, searching for the box full of the barbie dolls.

once she found it, she hauled it out into the yard where cedric was waiting.

she dumped the box's contents into the grass, "pick whoever you want to be- expect her, she's mine."

"well what if i want to be her?" he laughed.

"you can't! she's mine. you can have anyone else, but not her." she grabbed the barbie doll from the pile and held it away from him.

"fine," cedric rolled his eyes, "i'll be... her."

"perfect." she made her voice more high pitched and made the barbie doll hop towards cedric's doll, "hello mandy, would you like to go to the mall?"

~another flashback~

"briar! briar!"

"what? what is it?"

"guess what i'm going to be for halloween." he leaned back on his heels, then on his tip toes.

"hm... i don't know. a mean little boy?" she squinted her eyes up to him showing she was upset with him about something.

"what? no." cedric laughed, not catching onto her passive aggressiveness.

"why not? you already dress up as one every other day of the year?"

cedric stopped laughing, "ok, what's the matter?"

"you know what the matter is." she mumbled under her breath.

"no i don't, now tell me."

"fine!" briar shouted, "you told your mum who told my mum that i fancy austin!"

he was silent for a moment, thinking over the next words he was going to let leave his mouth, "but... you do... don't you?"

"yes!" she cried, "how could you?! i told you that in confidence!"

"i'm sorry b. if you want, i'll go tell them both right now that i was lying, and that i only said it to make you upset."

she nodded her head.

after no movement from cedric she spoke up again, "well what are you waiting for? go tell them!"

~one more flashback~

"b! guess what!"

"you learned to tie your shoes?!"

"no." cedric said in a low voice. "i got a letter to go to the wizarding school, hogwarts!"

"really?! that's brilliant!" briar jumped up and hugged him, "i wish i could go to that school with you."

"you will soon, don't worry. you just have to be a little bit older-"

the sound of music playing pulled briar back out of her thoughts.

she stood up from the stands, looking to see cedric smiling, holding the triwizard cup over his head, getting pats on the back from all of his friends, and his father looking as if he has never been so proud of his son in his life.

but she didn't see that.

she saw harry potter clinging onto cedric, who was lying on the ground, not moving.

she quickly ran down from her seat and collapsed next to cedric's side. she pushed harry off of him so she could see cedric for herself.

she put her hands on either side of his face, feeling the last bit of warmth from him slip away.

"what- what happened?" she croaked barely above a whisper.

"he's dead! cedric diggory is dead!" harry yelled to everyone.

she shook her head, "no. no he's not. someone get help! someone get a doctor! cedric wake up. ced- ced, please wake up. for heavens sake, someone help him! ced, please, i know you're still here."

she began to scream into his chest, hugging him as tightly as she possibly could.

he was gone.

he would never get to see his graduation day, his spouse on his wedding day, briar on her wedding day, their kids attending hogwarts together, being instant friends, and all the other joys of life.

he had so much ahead of him.

it's all wasted now.

he's dead.

he's never going to breath, laugh, smile, scream, run, hug, kiss, talk, or love again.

he didn't deserve this.

anyone else in the entire world deserved this, but not him.

he was good. too good.

he was perfect in everyone's eyes.

and now, he's cold and lifeless.

briar had heard cedric's father running over towards him yelling.

several hands latched onto her, trying to pull her off of his body.

she refused to let go.

she sobbed into his chest, holding onto him for dear life.

finally, the hands won, pulling her away from him.

"he's not dead!" she cried, "someone help him!"

before she could say anything else a pair of arms embraced her, holding her tightly, with his head on top of her head, kissing her forehead.

"it's ok... it's ok... everything is going to be ok..." ron whispered into her hair, stroking it in attempts to calm her down.

i cried while writing this lol💔

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