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i really hope i didn't say earlier that the mother is friends with the weasleys. i honestly cannot remember so just pretend they aren't if i did say they were friends.

even though it was the beginning of march and briar's birthday had already passed, she was finally allowed to go home to see her mother.

dumbledore set up a port key for her to travel with. it was an old wristwatch that didn't work anymore.

when she was all packed up and ready to go she grabbed the watch and instantly felt a sharp pain in her stomach. as if someone stuck a hook into her and pulled her forward aggressively.

she hit the floor in the kitchen hard and swayed slightly.

she yelled out her mother's name to tell her she was home. when there was no response she noticed a note left for her on the counter.

briar aurora rose,

i'm sorry i'm not home. got held up at work. i'll be home to see you asap! in the meantime i have your cake in the cupboard. made chocolate, hope you like it.


'of course' she sighed.

how daft is she if she really expected her mother to be home for her. she pulled out the cake from the cupboard, slicing a large piece for herself, putting a single candle and lighting it on the piece, she blew it out, taking the candle out of the piece licking off the icing. she would have just eaten the cake while but she know her mother would get upset. getting a glass of water with ice filled to the brim she walked over to the couch in front of the tv. grabbing the remote she turned on some cartoon as she ate.

she scolded herself for not bringing toulouse with her as she laid down on the couch after she was finished her cake.


she woke up to hearing things drop on the floor loudly. not even remembering herself fall asleep, she looked behind her towards the front door, to see none other than her mum picking up the side stool holding all her keys that she must have ran into blindly. she turned on a dim light and walked over to hug her mother.

"happy birthday baby. i'm sorry again that i wasn't here earlier." she said talking into her hair, "so, tell me how you like hogwarts. any new friends? teacher you like?" she went on and on slightly zoning out until she heard her mum say something, "how is jessie? when can i meet him? what-" realizing she forgot to tell her about their breakup she opened her mouth to speak.

"- me and jessie are through." briar said interrupting her. once she saw her mother's confused face she went on, "he was cheating. and wasn't very good anyways."

"oh i'm sorry sweetie," her mum going in to hug her. she wasn't very good with affection towards her mum. she felt awkward talking about romance with her, anything awkward, and or anything remotely personal that wasn't easy to swiftly change the topic without too much explaining to do. "why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"well it only just happened. shortly after my birthday."

"bummer..." she paused looking at briar as if she had something to say to her, she did that a lot, briar was used to it at this point and would either ask 'what?' or 'what's wrong?' but her mother would always say nothing and move on. "well, tell me about friends. surely you made some new friends?"

"well yeah, um luna lovegood, neville longbottom, ginny and ron weasley are my closest new friends. then fred and george weasley. lastly hermione granger and harry potter, but i'm the least close with them out of everyone i named. and of course there's still ced and fleur."

"weasley?" she questioned "where have i heard that name before?"

"well they may have went to school with you at the same time. they were both gryffindors too so you may have seen them around in the common room?"

"oh... yeah i remember them... and you're friends with the whole family now?"

"well not the whole family. i hear they have more siblings but i can't remember their names, and i haven't met their parents yet."


"mum, why are you acting so weird? do you have something against them?" briar asked getting slightly upset. "oh no dear, i've just heard some things about them, like magic cars and their twins causing a lot of ruckus at hogwarts."

"they really aren't bad. the twins are great, and the magic car i thought was pretty impressive. besides we can't talk no one is perfect."

"yes, youre probably right. i'm sorry." briar rolled her eyes and mumbled, "i am right..." thankfully her mother didn't hear her. "well i'm off to bed, that shift knocked me out. goodnight and happy belated birthday." she kissed her forehead before walking up to her room.

briar sighed as she trudged up the stairs minutes later to her room.


the next morning she went downstairs and bid her goodbyes to her mum and used the floo network to get back to hogwarts. she didn't even realize how much the school was growing onto her, seeing as though she was excited to get back.

after shouting 'hogwarts' she made her way up to gryffindor tower. she stopped briefly when she heard a familiar voice. turning around she saw draco down the hall, "classes are in session rose, snape is right down the hall from here, i bet he wouldn't mind taking off some of gryffindor's points."

"malfoy, you are literally out in the halls too." she rolled her eyes. "yes but it's not a secret that snape favors his house." he bluffed.

"by the time you even get him i'll be gone, so go ahead." she started walking off hearing draco yell something to her, but his voice became more muffled as she walked off.

she hadn't been very long at hogwarts, but she had been there long enough to know what kind of teacher snape was.

as she walked up to the portrait she said the password and went up to her room to get her robes on. she stopped just before she opened her closet doors. 'classes are still going. no ones in the common room right now... this is too rare to pass up.' she thought.

walking back down to the common room she sat before an unfinished chess game.

analyzing the match she was tempted to move pieces but decided against it because she didn't want anyone getting upset with her. so she sat in the chair she was always in and opened up a book she brought down from her dorm.

the only sounds were toulouse's soft purring and moving occasionally in front of the fire, light rain outside, and the fire crackling softly.

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