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tw: drugs, sexual harassment, and alcohol

she didn't know what to do at parties. she kinda just stood in the corner awkwardly at her own birthday party.

jessie was no where to be found. when she checked his room he wasn't there. fred and george pulled out the fire whiskey and different substances. she was about to slip up to her room until the twins pulled her back.

"you can't get away that easily." george smirked. she sighed and walked over to the couch, the only seat left was one next to two people snogging. she grimaced and went over to get a drink.

her eye catching the portrait door open she saw cedric walk in. she smiled brightly running over to him. "howd you know about this?"

"fred and george told me. i couldn't miss my best friend's birthday."

she smiled up at him, "well go on, have fun."

"why can't i stay with you?"

"well, i mean you can, i just assumed you'd want to see your friends." he nodded, "alright, i'll come fine you soon?"

"yes. of course."

she grabbed the first bottle she saw and poured it into a cup. it tasted disgusting, so she chased it with a soda. she stood on a wall with her drink in hand. still not feeling any different she took bigger gulps.

after a while she started to feel tipsy and walked over to where ginny, harry, ron, fred, george, luna, dean, and other kids she didn't know were sitting on the floor in a circle.

"what are we doing?" feeling more loose and outgoing as she felt the alcohol slowly getting to her.

"smoking. want some?" she sat down in between the twins and took the joint from fred's outstretched hand. she hadn't smoked or drank in a while, so she coughed after taking a long breath. fred patted her shoulder, "took it like a champ."

they passed around the weed for a little while longer and she noticed things starting to get blurry and as she stood up she felt dizzy, immediately falling down onto fred. she was laughing uncontrollably and couldn't stop. her eyes were growing pink as she took a swig of fire whiskey. after a few more minutes of lying on fred, thinking he was george, she regained her sight and stood up to go into the crowd of people.

when she got in the middle and heard the music blaring she let go even more. letting the rhythm take control of her, unaware, and didn't care how she looked. she wasn't dancing sexually or awkwardly she was kinda just moving to the beat.

she soon spotted jessie over by the drinks talking to a girl. she walked over to him smiling happily. once he noticed her he looked down at her and looked disgusted with her state. "god briar you look terrible" she didn't seem to hear or care about the comment, "where have you been? you're my boyfriend and you aren't even at my own birthday party." she said laughing slightly. he looked her up and down seeing her stumble a bit and reaching to hold onto him to keep her stable. "how fucked up are you right now?"

"not much. only had a few things." she answered looking up at him hoping he would believe her. "ok."

he took her hand and led her over to a chair. seeming as though she was very care free right now he assumed she might be up for a bit of snogging. if she were sober she definitely wouldn't in front of all these people. but she's so unaware she would probably not remember anything tomorrow morning.

he sat down patting to his lap, she instead sat on the arm rest unsure what to do. he grabbed her face and fiercely collided their lips. she instantly pulled back attempting to wipe her lips. he grabbed her wrists tightly but lowered them softly as if it would cancel out. he began to kiss her neck, suddenly becoming very aware of the people looking at them, and slightly snapping back to reality she pushed back again. "jessie, not now... people are looking."

his expression fell hard, "oh come on," looking around then back to her "it's not that many people..." leaning in kissed her neck. "no, jessie- come on. please," pushing him back again his grip tightened, even though she was still not totally herself she mustered up all the strength she could and pushed herself off the chair. "NO!"

he looked up at her, swaying slightly from standing up so quickly. it looked like he was about to do something but after he looked around to see how many people there truly were he decided against it. "fine." he stormed off out of the common room.

she stood there looking at the now empty chair. feeling someone turning her around she looked up, "are you alright?" neville asked worriedly. "yeah..."

he didn't ask or say anything else he just hugged her and started walking her up to the girls dormitories. "which one is yours?"

she pointed to the end of the hall, he nodded slightly holding her up, he walked her to the door and set her on her bed. "i'm sorry he did that." she just looked down at her hands fiddling with her thumbs, "it's fine, it's not your fault."

"do you wanna talk about it?" she shook her head "i just want to go to sleep."

he walked back down to the party and was bombarded by ron "wheres briar?"

"she was getting tired so i took her up to her room." ron looked at the stairs, "i didn't even get to spend much time with her." he mumbled. neville heard him even though he was certain he said it soft enough for only him to hear. "there's always tomorrow."

ron nodded his head turning back to harry who was a few feet behind him. "you alright mate?" harry asked.

"yeah... just, need more fire whiskey." as they both turned to walk to the drinks hermione stood in front of them, "do you both know how irresponsible you're being? and it's blaring down here, i'm trying to study. when is this going to be over?"

"well the guest of honor left, so i'm guessing soon." harry said talking over the loud music.

"i'm disappointed in you two." she said before walking off.

dude this actually sucks so much. i promise it will get better.

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