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the next morning briar woke up to very loud meowing. she looked over and toulouse was sitting by her food bowl and putting her paw on it. she really didn't feel like getting up yet but toulouse was too cute not to pay attention to. scooping some food into her bowl she eagerly started devouring it. seeming that it was sunday and she had the day off she planned on staying in the castle, until the door abruptly opened. "meet us down at the great hall, we'll come back here to get money, then we will take off." ginny shouted quickly closing the door without letting briar reply. she has almost forgotten about dress shopping.

since she had gotten more comfortable being in hogwarts she didn't make much effort to look her best especially at breakfast because she was too tired to care. before putting on shoes she scratched toulouse under her chin then started for her door.

the walk down was filled with her feet taking her where she needed to go, not paying much attention by being lost in thought. she was trying to think of a way she could spell a movie player to work in hogwarts without going haywire. if she could figure it out for her cd player she was certain she should for a movie player. but the movie player was bigger than her cd player so she figured it might be a tad harder. whilst trying to remember what the spell was called she found herself at the doors of the great hall.

she spotted the weasley's all sitting together first so decided to sit with them. "merlin briar, why are you always so late to breakfast?" george asked. after being around the twins a bit more she could distinguish who was who. "i like sleeping." she shrugged.

"you're still coming with us today right?" ginny questioned with her mouth full.

"i was planning on it."

"oooh where are you girls going for your play date?" fred spoke up. ron let out a tiny laugh. briar furrowed her brows, "first of all, it's not a play date. that term is used for eight year olds. and second not your business."

"dress shopping." ginny said looking bored. "see now that wasn't so hard, was it?" fred said.

she rolled her eyes playfully not exactly in the mood. "what you don't like dress shopping?" george asked. "well... no it's not that- i just..." fred and george squinted their eyes drawing closer to her in question. she sighed, "uh well i didn't bring much money- i wasn't expecting their to be a grand ball i would have to attend. and i'd feel bad asking my mum for money."

ron started laughing. "what? is my lack of money funny to you?" she said defensively. "oh no, on the contrary. never met someone else who had money issues." he responded. she looked to his siblings and they all nodded. "yeah everyone at beauxbatons is filthy rich. i was only able to go was because of my grandmother, but of course she died." briar laughed. after seeing the concerned faces looking at her she continued suddenly feeling embarrassed, "i- sorry i guess i forget you all don't know me very well."

"why would your grandmother dying be funny?" ron asked. "OH- oh no it's not at all! i just use humor as a coping mechanism. like for instance... um- ask me how my father is doing." they all said it at once. "i don't know he's dead." she said laughing uncontrollably. ginny couldn't help but laugh either and soon fred and george joined in. ron looking around at his family disgusted exclaimed, "you lot are terrible! it isn't something to laugh about!" finally catching her breath briar said in a calm tone, "ron. it's ok to laugh, it's funny. i don't mind. why else would i say it?"

"well maybe you don't mind but i bet your grandmother and father do!" his face quickly turning pink. "possibly my father... but oma would think it's quite funny." she smiled nudging his arm to lighten up. he just shook his head looking down angrily as the three other red heads laughs increased in volume. "hey," she said lowering her head to his eye level so he was forced to look at her, "laughing about that stuff isnt for everyone... obviously. but it helps me feel better. especially when other people laugh too, even if they are concerned." he scoffed trying to hide a small grin approaching on his face "whatever, just- don't make those jokes around me, alright?"

"duly noted."

(oma is grandmother in german in case you were confused)


back in her room briar changed into black jeans with white circling around them in a pattern, a brown long sleeve, a black puffer jacket with cheetah print on the wrists and collar, platformed shoes, black socks, and a fuzzy cheetah print bag to match her jacket. putting on her usual makeup and twisting her hair up with a clip to hold it up pulling some strands of hair out to frame her face. she packed away a book and her money, which wasn't much but she hoped she could find something cheap.

she bid her farewell to toulouse then ran down to the common room. seeing the usual people she always saw, the twins, harry, and ron sitting on the couch playing some sort of card game. she looked over to see hermione and ginny walking over to her. "you look amazing as always." hermione said. the boys looked up to her and ron gave her a small smile.

feeling uncomfortable with eyes on her she looked to the portrait door "uh, let's go. shall we?" they both nodded their heads in response and walked out of the room. "luna should be waiting for us close by..." ginny whispered. "hello." a dreamy voice called out behind them. "great godric luna, how did we not see you?" luna shrugged and joined by briar's side.

they soon arrived the dress shop and browsed around. she caught her eye on fleur looking at a beautiful dress. "fleur?" she called out. "oh! briar! i'm so sorry i have been so engulfed in the tournament i haven't been spending much time with you. forgive me?" she nodded as fleur held up the dress she was looking at. "what do you think?" fleur could make absolutely anything look good so she smiled and said, "it's perfect for you." she let out a sigh of relief as she went to go try it on. "are you looking for a dress too?" she called out in the dressing room. "uh- well yeah." briar replied hastily. "why haven't you picked anything up then?"

fleur knew that briar didn't have the most money but she was still embarrassed to say it even though fleur didn't judge. "well you know... i don't have much on me."

she poked her head out of the curtain, "but you told me you were covered on money?" briar sighed "well that was before. wasn't expecting a big ball." "ah." fleur called out. she walked out of the small dressing room. "even better than i imagined, you never cease to amaze me." briar said with wide eyes. once fleur was done changing briar's eyes landed on a gorgeous dress and walked over to it. "you like it?"

briar checked the price tag and pressed her lips together "yeah... but i'll go find something else." fleur looked at her and shrugged "you will look great in anything."

after a while of searching briar couldn't find any other dress that was as pretty as the one she saw earlier. hermione and ginny already found dresses and payed. fleur stayed behind talking to a saleswoman. fleur could talk to anyone which briar envied, although sometimes she could get out of her comfort zone. but only when she is with people she is comfortable with. the girls both walked up to her as hermione questioned, "found anything you like?" not wanting to bring down the mood she said yes, which wasn't lying she did find something she liked but just didn't get it. "i'm going to come back to try it on." racking her mind for a reason why she didn't now, "i'm on my period- don't want to bleed onto anything." they both nodded believing her as they walked to the three broomsticks.

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