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Senpais Pov:

I watched Y/N sitting in the nurses office, she couldn't see me standing on the otherside of the hallway. YN, such a bietiful name~ Ever since I saw her this morning I couldn't stop thinking about her. Her lovely H/C hair, her E/C orbs, her amazing voice.

Apparently those two pathetic little worms had gotten into a fight. And she was waiting for them, how thoughtful~              

Tubbi walked down the hallway towards Senpai. (AN: This is a little cameow for my friend Tubbi, she really like Tubbo if you couldn't tell should I do a dream smp fic in the future ^¬^?)

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING F**K*SS?" Tubbi yells making me jump.

"None of your f**king business." I spit.

"What a c*mguzzler probably a perv too or something looking at Y/N like that."

"What do you mean?" I ask loking back from Y/N to Tubbi.

"Aren't you like a teacher or something?" Tubby asks.

"No." I hiss. (AN: I don't care what anyone says Senpai isn't a teacher!!! ಠ¬ಠ)

Tubbi tsked at me and rolled her eyes. "Cu**." She said stomping off.

I didn't care tho, I was looking at Y/N. I felt consumed, by looking at her.

Y/N Pov:

I pinched my hands nervously. I was really worried about Keith after that fight. It was so bad it made me want to cry.

Keith walked out of the door with his girlfriend following behind him. He had a huge bandage on his stomach and he walked with a limp!!!

(AN: I noticed some of you said I should work on my spelling and I think I've been getting better Ill post the next chapter tomorrow but I have to go tu sleep now)

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