do you like how I walk

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"I can't say I was expecting much." said Damion, sitting back down at the lunch table with a defeated sigh.

"Oh come on Damion, there must have been some people we haven't asked." Damien tried to think of who wasn't present at lunch.

"Even if we asked them, do you think we'll actually get anything?"

"Well, weren't you the one who said there's no harm in trying?"

"I did. Though, now I'm really starting to wonder if all this headache about our weird school is really worth it." Damion replied. "Hey Damien, maybe we should just stop worrying about all this again!"

"I'm so tired of everyone telling me not to worry." Damien said, in a low but harsh tone.


"It's all I ever hear now days. I shouldn't worry? When we've been in our senior year for god knows how long? When people who go missing have nobody who misses them? When nothing around me makes sense? I shouldn't worry about those things?"

His blood felt hotter then it had in years. Damien realized he snapped a little at his boyfriend, and quickly silenced himself.

"Dammit. I'm sorry."

"I didn't know you had that in you. I should be sorry, I should have known you didn't like that phrase. Especially after earlier today." said Damion. "Man, I feel like I've been shit recently."

"No...I really shouldn't have overreacted like that."

"Listen, if you want, I won't give up on this. Even if things don't look super great right now, if you think we might find something then I'll keep going." offered Damion.

"As much as I don't like having you worn like this, I still want to make sure those students are ok."

"Yeah, me too. Tell you what, I know two buddies we haven't talked to yet."

. . .

"Last time you thought it was a good idea to stay out here, you endangered yourself. You know that." said Zote, standing by his friend under the tree they have both found themselves familiar with.

"Yeah but this is different! C'mon, you know we don't do anything in our gym class." Yura objected. "Skipping one class isn't gonna kill us, is it?"

"Fine, but we have to return to our classes after that. I don't want us getting in anymore risky scenarios. Which reminds me..." Zote reminded himself of something he was confused by yesterday. "How were you out so late yesterday?"

Yura's face froze with fear before his train of thought was interrupted by the sounds of nearby boys in the distance. Relief hit him as his friend spoke of something else.

"Hm? Is that Damion and Damien once more?" asked Zote.

"Looks like it."

They saw their friends walk towards them, and they greeted them.

"Hey! Hope we ain't bothering you two again!" said Damion, still looking as upbeat as usual.

"Not at all, though isn't lunch near over? Shouldn't you two be heading to class?" questioned Zote.

"Same can be said for you, anyways we've been using all lunch trying to figure out somethin' out." Damion replied.

"Well...we just wanted to ask if you remember any sudden disappearances or maybe someone who's moved recently. Someone who's been out of town." said Damien.

"Hm? That's sort of a weird question. I'm not sure if I know anything about that-" Yura said, before glancing at his friend.

"Do you think this is funny?" spat Zote, for some reason more hostile.

"H-Huh? What do you mean?" asked Damien.

"Whatever. No. I know nobody of the sort. I refuse to speak. Please leave me and my friend be." demanded the pale haired boy.

"Ok, calm down. We didn't mean anything by it." said Damion.

"So you say."

"C'mon, I think we should go ask some other people." said Damien.

As the two monsters left the scene, Yura saw his friend curled up, sitting against the tree. His face was buried in his arms.

"Hey..." his friend kneeled down beside him.

"I need not your pity."

"It's not pity, I told you I want to be there when you need me."

Zote sighed as he rose his head up from his arms. He couldn't deny that he did want some comfort, but to have it all the time felt gluttonous.

"Hey, I know you've been wanting to show me how to draw for a while now. Even if I'm not gonna be super great at it, I think it'd be fun."

Zote looked at his friend and warmly smiled.

"I think I'd prefer that over grieving."

Zote has a hissy fit after being asked about his old emo bestie that is so funny am I right

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