Peepee Poopoo

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"Damion!" Husband yelled out, to no avail.

As Damion bled out onto the perfectly clear floor, the figure stepped forward towards Husband.

"Now...ain't this something?" The Lord said. "A last minute sacrifice! Just what I needed. Honestly, I wanted to shoot you, Husband, this is quite embarrassing." The Lord went on. "Especially considering your revival was not even my making...tsk..."

"What?" Zote asked. "Wait...are you Ashreaper?"

"Sure am!" The figure beamed, almost excited. "And here you are! The main characters, standing before me! Oh it's always so exciting this time around!"

"Exciting?" Husband grumbled. "Damion just-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Biggg deal n' all. I guess it's cool though, his contract binds him to the world anyway, so it doesn't really matter."

"Contract?" Mad Rat shouted. "Like...he made a deal with you!?"

"Well yeah!" The Lord answered. "Didn't you do your homework in here? You that distant time mentioned...where he was HERO's friend group..."

"The one with me, Gundham, and HERO..." Zote said. "That's what you're talking about?"

"Do you remember the dream he spoke of?"


"That..." The Lord continues. "...was real. It actually happened. They had gone on to search for their friend Zote! And in turn...they all reached certain fates."

"Then...what about Damion?"

"HERO made a valiant sacrifice." The Lord replied. "In sacrifice for his own soul, forever, he would ensure the safety of his friends...eternally."

"As in-" Mad Rat yelled out. "As in they don't die!? But look at Damion!"

"Well, as long as the town lives on, Damion will always return to the next story, you see." The figure answered. "Ah, but that's enough exposition dumping, now is it?"

"Hey! Wait!" Husband yells out, finally clutching his fists in rage. "We aren't done with you! There's a lot more you have to tell us!"

"Oh, yes, I suppose we are missing someone. Aren't we?" The Lord said. "Well...why don't we see them now? I did just put you at minus one. You came an awful way for him, after all."

As the figure snaps a finger, they disappear. The group turns their heads around in search of Yura. After a while, Zote noticed something from the corner of his eye.

"Guys!" Zote yelled. "Over here!"

As the rest had dashed over, they noticed someone near the corner of the room, passed out onto the floor.

"Yura!" Zote yelled out, as he kneels beside his companion. "Yura! Are you ok!?"

As Zote shook him, he began to hear his friend grumble.



Zote tugged at Yura and pulled him in for a hug, in which Yura had hardly been prepared for.

"Hey...hey...whats all the noise about...and where are we again?"

"Yura..." Husband said. "You're ok..."

"Wait...Zote..." Yura muttered. "What the hell is he doing here?"

"It's too much to explain right now." Zote sighed. "I'm just...I'm just glad I was right. I'm glad you're ok."

"Well yeah..." Yura smiled, before his eyes shot open. "Wait- Ashreaper."

"Huh?" Mad Rat gasped. "You know her?"

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