super hell

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Zote sighed as he had realized it was once more time for him to wake up. This cycle seemed endless, would he ever escape it? Though, he supposed life was becoming more so...remarkable. His mind shifted to the scene he had with his friend last night, before quickly attempting to dismiss it. Now wasn't the time for childish thoughts, he had to prepare for school.

He rose from his bed, with his eyes still only half open. He decided on what he would be wearing, a faded blue sweater with black pants, and went on to change. After doing so, he noticed something that had been lying on his dresser.

It was a simple earring, well to him not any ordinary earring. There was actually a sacred name for such a fine piece of jewelry. Zote looked at it with a pitiful frown. This earring had not first belonged to him, but someone else.

The Hell Hound Earring, one of his old friend's most treasured possessions. It was given to him not that long from his sudden departure.

No, he had no intention on recalling the events of last night. Not only because of his...rather excessive thoughts about his new friend, but because he intended to repress the memories of one who betrayed his trust. Still it felt like his mind could go on and on about it, the subject made him conflicted with his own emotions most times.

He stepped out from his room, and descended down stairs to leave the quiet home. Y/N hadn't been anywhere here, how strange. Perhaps after the passing of his father, the house is much more vacant. He wasn't quite sure how to feel about it, nor did he want to ponder on that too long either.

Zote finally stepped out as the cold, dark early morning greeted his shivering skin.

Now that he had thought about it, it was a small town they all seemed to live in. Even with it being so small, it all felt so packed.

So enough, once more he walked on school campus. He made his way inside, and navigated through the halls to his homeroom.

Upon entering, he saw a class full of students. Damion and Damien had been sitting near each other speaking to one another. He glanced to see someone he had anticipated seeing once more.

"Good morning, Yura." Zote said, for some reason unable to look his friend in the eyes.

"G'morning! You doing alright?" asked Yura.

"I'm doing quite fine."

He was so hesitant to speak after last night, why? A nervousness grew when he spoke to his beloved friend. There was a beat that shook the entirety of his body, as he gained a more shaky voice.

His friend seemed to have a more troubled smile too. Though his friend acted more lively in comparison, there was still irregularities in his behavior.

"Had you slept well?" asked Zote, attempting to persist.

"Sorta, it's still hard y'know?"

After that, there was silence between them. Why was it so hard to talk?

I don't fucking know lol you wanna know what sans is doing??

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