that's not falco

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I was hiding in my very very secret hideout spot™ (the tree outside at the back of the school). I couldn't believe it, those loser kids actually had me surrender! To be honest though, I still hadn't shown off my...true power. It was true, I had an even stronger form! I had mercy however, and decided to go easy on them!

Oh how terrible it would have been, if that void kid and his kitty friend were to have been kneeling under me! (Just kidding, that would have been great). I would have laughed as they cried my name, screaming for someone to help. Berdly, the kid who took down the school's weirdest weirdos!

Oh how I dreamed of that scenario. Darn! Perhaps I should have unleashed my full power! Now it is much too late for that!

Suddenly, I heard two people talking once more. Who else was possibly out during lunch, would they attempt to bother him? It took me a moment to realize...I had heard these voices not long ago.

"NO! HAVE YOU COME TO HIJACK MY SECRET HIDE OUT SPOT???" I squawked like the bitch I am.

"Dude. This isn't like, anyone's spot in specific. A lot of people hang out here, actually-" said the catboy.

"Be quiet! Anyways, I am not sure if I have made this crystal clear or not but..." I pause before I speak once more (you know, dramatically). "THIS TREE IS *MY* HANG OUT SPOT YOU WEIRDOS! GAMERS ONLY."

"How exhausting, it seems this bird brain has tried claiming his spot here." said the bug...human...void...boy? Listen I am not here to discuss one's rather strange existence.

"No! I have claimed this land long ago! You cannot take it from me!" I loudly declare.

"Looks like it isn't working out for you too well then, buddy." said the bitchboy, god why are his cat ears actually moving.

"Quiet! I-I..." I trail off. First these scoundrels wonder where they shouldn't, then try to come in land that is rightfully mine? The nerve of these weirdos!

"Calm down, we can leave if you wish that badly. I don't think we feel like wasting time or energy on someone so pointless." said Zote.

And now they taunt my very name? I wouldn't have anymore of this slander!

"You dare challenge my name! Hmph! What childish banter! I will bring a stop to this..."

"This is so tiring, all you do is remind me of myself." said the void boy.

"Huh?" I quacked.

"Constantly seeing other beneath yourself, hiding behind a confident demeanor. I pity you."

"S-Silence! How dare you attempt to tear me down!"

"What do you wanna accomplish 'claiming' this place anyways?" asked the kitty boy.


I couldn't seem to answer. What was it about this question that had me so weak? I didn't understand, as a stood silent.

"C'mon, we should probably leave him alone. Won't do us much good."

"Fair point, enjoy this hideout of yours I guess." said Zote, before turning to leave.

As they left the scene, I was still quiet as a mouse. I could feel this weakness from within me, what could it have possibly been? I didn't understand, no wait...

There was no way I was weak. My stats had been completely maxed out! There was no way I, Lord Berdly, could possibly be weak!

Suddenly I heard a ring, it was my phone. I pulled it out to see I had been called by...

"Unknown Phone Number? Why should I pick up? Eh fuck it."

I proceeded to call the person back and...

"Pipis? Freedom? W- 'Gaster'?"

I proceeded to cancel the call and not question anything that just happened.

Suddenly also someone came up to me. It was a bug person again, but it wasn't the same guy as earlier. He wore a hood over his face, and his eyes were white.

"Hey! What are you doing in my secret hideout spot?" I asked the stranger.

"Oh? I didn't know."

"You know what, it's fine. Who are you anyways? I haven't seen you around cool."

"Oh, I just recently moved here I think. I'm Tiso."

"Well hello Tiso, my name is Berdly. Don't go forgetting it, or it'll be the last name you ever hear."

"Oh, is that so? I should challenge you to a duel one day it seems." the boy cackled.

Suddenly Berdly realized.

That closeted gay couple from earlier...yes...

He had finally understood why he was so weak!

Of course! How had he not known sooner.

"Tiso. My apologies for the sudden confession but I think I have feelings for you!"

"Huh?" asked the boy.

"What those boys had that I didn't was...companionship. Each other! Tiso, you and I, we can become so very strong and sexy please be my boyfriend."


And I lived happily ever after.


(He did not.)

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