You're at the party neil ci

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"I don't wish to burden you still, I'll carry on just fine-" Zote held his head as he walked the halls. He couldn't seem to hang his head up, quite frankly he looked like a kicked puppy.

"Are you kidding me? You're not pissing me off just because you aren't feeling well. How much sleep did you get last night?" Yura narrowed his eyes as is friend tried to think of anything that could leave his friend so wrecked.

"I don't think that was my issue, however I believe it's really nothing to be concerned about."

"Be honest"

Zote heavily sighed. He hate to admit how he really hadn't gotten much sleep last night, due to EMS, and...that dream. However, he felt if he had told him he would be convinced that there certainly was an problem. He didn't have much time to think on this choice, so he spoke anyways.

"Well, much to my dismay, I didn't get too much rest light night. Shame, as it is to go against my precepts of law."

Yura sighed with slight annoyance, but opened his mouth. "Not this again."

"Hm?" Zote momentarily tried to get a glace of Yura, who seemed as if he was looking for the words to something.

"You're gonna hate me for this"

"What?" Zote furrowed his brow, in slight confusion. He didn't know if he could do that.

"I won't lie, those rules are dumb." he said, hesitating to be so blunt.

Zote gritted his teeth out of mild annoyance now too. "You what?"

"Aren't those the same dumbass rules that you made to keep you from letting emotions out and shit? Don't you realize how damaging these rules are?"

Zote swollowed, trying to find any remaining pride in those damned precepts.

"You don't get it, they help me to be as strong as I am now."

He stops walking for a moment.

No, he's weak as hell right now.

What was that in his dream about the precepts again?

"I'm just saying, if those rules are doing that to you, you seriously need to get something figured out." His friend sighed, looking back at him. "And if you need help with it, I'm here."

"Fine. Just, how much longer to the nurse?"

"Oh, so you do want help" Zote could feel his smirk across the hall any day.

"Silence" Zote glaced back towards the ground, refusing to look at him.

"Chill pill, I meant no ill will dude. Speaking of ill it's like, right here dude."

"Alright then, I'll be going then"

"Seriously dude, please be careful"

"As I am always."

. . .

"Damien? You good? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Ah!" Damien filched, then exhaled at the sight of Damion. "I-"

"Seriously, ever since that nap last class you've been on edge."

"No! Nope! I'm fine I just...can't wait to get out of class today! You just scared me or...something."

"It's surprising how unconvincing you are." Damion head his shades up.

"I mean..." Damien gripped his pencil, glancing away at a nearby board across the room.

Yandere!Senpai x Reader [Bloody Thorns]Where stories live. Discover now