intermission: loser robot and a loser furry

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What's that? Convoluted story? There's no sense or logic in anything at all here? Nonsense, lets stop all time and reality to tell a weird different story.

. . .

He's descending down the stairs to a basement. An abandoned basement. Nobody dwells down here, or so was thought until now.

The truth is, there was something down there. The turning and twisting of gears, the robotic cackling of something just barely being heard as they went deeper down.

Without any doubt, it was only capable of being one single thing.


The direct rivals of toons, first thought to simply reside in Suitopia. They were simply greedy and capitalistic at soul, if they had any. They came here because it wasn't enough, no, they felt they needed the entire world.

That's why the resistance had been formed. The toons wanted to do everything in their power to put a stop to their plans.

As a matter of fact, he was here for this reason. He worked in the resistance, albeit reluctantly. There had been recent reports of a cog that had been taking up the schoolhouse basement in Toontown Central- his job was to get whoever it was from there out immediately.

It was musty and old down here, some cobwebs could be seen as he descended down.

He had reached a door at the end of his descent, as twisted the knob.

Surprisingly, there was light on the other side.

As he walked through the door, he looked around as he seemed to have entered a lecture theatre. Why was there something like that all the way down here?

Suddenly, his eyes darted down the rows of seats as he noticed a cog was speaking to a group of other cogs just in front of the blackboard front and center of the room.

The cog didn't really seemed to notice him yet, as he was too busy spouting out some nonsense to his underlings. He couldn't fully understand, toons can only listen to cogs for so long before the boring business talk started to drain their energy.

He decided to step down towards the cogs to declare his duty.

Or, so he planned.

As he took the first step down the stairs to reach them, he failed to realize the one thing he would step on.

A trap gag, more specifically, a banana peel.

And so, as you may imagine, he is now gracefully flying into the air as he comedically smacks into the blackboard in his landing. As the toon slowly slides down from his fall, the cog that was previously speaking flinched in shock for a moment before shaking his head vigorously in disbelief.

He took notice of the toon who had just, well, slammed himself in here. It was a dark purple furred deer toon, with a tattered purple scarf and dark clothing.

He let out a sigh before fully collecting himself.

"Oh great, a toon." He began, as he watched the toon struggle to pick up himself from his fall. "Never quite expected one of your gags used against you, hm?" He cocked his head to the side as he began squinting as the toon. "Pray tell what exactly you're doing here?"

He looked at the cog now. On his head, contained in a dome of glass, was a brain. Well, he definitely fit the name of who he was looking for, at least by look.

No doubt about it, this was the Prethinker.

"Well, uh..." The toon began dusting himself off, before adjusting his hypno glasses onto his face properly. "...I'm with the resistance, you see."

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