°hell is very real

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The sun nearly about to set, as they tried to find another way back in town through the woods. There was no way they'd want to see him again.

"Uh, Yura, I warn you. There is something I forgot to do."


"Let's just say there's...company at my house. I promised I'd get some food for them, but...well you clearly see why I wasn't able to."

"Oh, was it EMS?"

"No, uh..no actually. I haven't seen her in a while."


"It's complicated."

"Well, do you wanna stop by the store before we go over?"

"I don't have any money."

"We can steal then."

"What! Yura, that's stupid AND illegal."

"What, we'll go to jail? Cops might as well be nonexistent here."

"Surely there's something less idiotic we can do?"

"Zote, do I look like I have money?"

Zote groaned, rolling his eyes. "I won't lie. I think you do."

"Do you think someone with as many coping mechanisms as me has money left to spare."


"I have a 5 dollar bill."

"Was that so hard?"

"What are you feeding anyways?"

"Uh...a...Someome. Someone that likes cheese. And music."


"You'll see."

They finally made it out of the woods and in the neighborhood again. They made their way to the nearest gas station.

"Here, you pay the cashier" Yura said, pulling out the pathetic green slip of paper.

"What, are you lazy?"


"Whatever-" he took the money.

As they walked in, Zote walked up to the front counter. It was noticeably quite empty, well, people wise at least. There was one person behind the counter.


"Oh hey Zote, what are you doing here so late?"

"I came to see if you had something. I didn't think you'd be here."

"Yeah, normally FUCKSHIT would be up here but I'm holding the spot for her right now. She said she was busy with something earlier..." she sighed. "Anyways, what do you need?"

"Do you happen to have...cheese?"

"Sure enough, man I hate making sandwiches for people. Like...go to Subway."

"Ah, don't worry, that's all I'll be needing."

"Thank god." She moved around behind the counter looking for something.

"I didn't find...your friend as the type to work." commented Zote.

"She feeds her addiction somehow. I guess you'd know..." she placed it inside the bag.

Zote laid the bill on the counter. "Keep the change."

"Have a good day."

He grabbed the bag and turned around. "Wait...where is he?"

"I saw him walk out, I honestly don't care at this point."



Zote decided not to asked, and walked to the door outside.

He was greeted by his friend who...oh my god.

"Yura, what did I say about stealing?"

"I prefer the term shoplifting."

"That's still stealing."

"You know what. You had one precept that wasn't stupid."

"I fail to see where this is going?"

"Obey no law but your own. Except the your own part. Fuck rules."

"You're a disaster." Zote grunted, and started to walk on his own towards the house. "What all did you steal even?"

"Just a few snacks. I'm hungry too now. By the way, what did you and Girlfriend talk about?" Yura followed behind.

"Small talk. She was up there in place of...her friend."

"You never want to say that name do you?"


"Well, her friend is kinda weird."

"Why do you say that?"

"I dunno."

"Anyways, I don't think we're that far off." Zote looked down at his clothes. "I look miserable."

"Yeah...sorry about that."

"I know you only wanted to keep us safe."

"So, why are you so vague about that friend of yours?" Yura asked.

"What, are you jealous?"

"Nah, I already get enough attention from you."

"Well you have nothing to worry about. Like I said, you'll see."

"Is it a surprise then?"

"If you want to think of it that way."

Several minutes passed, and the two soon stumbled across their destination. Zote walked up to the door, it was still unlocked. He guessed they must have found someway to close it.

He opened the door and walked inside. He could already hear the blaring music, but it quickly halted itself.

"Hey! I'm back. Sorry I was gone for so long."

"Uh..." Yura tilted his head. "Where...are they?"


"Oats!" He heard a voice from below.

"Zote. It's Zote. I brought your food."

"Ok. Zote." The rat looked up at him annoyed. "I would love to ask why you brought a CAT INSIDE."

"Huh? I didn't...oh." He turned and pointed at Yura. "Him?"

"YES. Obviously. I don't know how to spell this out to you, but cats and rats don't mix.

Zote crouched down by the rat and dropped the bag. "Here, you can calm down now. Besides, he's not after you. He's the friend I talked about, remember?"

The rat groaned and crossed it's arms. "Are you bribing me?" He looked inside the bag. "It's working. I hate it but it's working."

"So you were talking about...a rat?" Yura asked.

"Yeah. Well, that and his other small friend." said Zote, standing back up. "Some little heart. They're ultimately harmless."

"Hey! I killed God!"

"Sure, sure." Zote moved across the living room. "I'm disgusting, I'm going to go take a shower."

"And leave me with this cat?" Mad Rat yelled.

"You'll live."

"I'll be dead again by the time you're out."

Yura looked down at the rodent. "You don't look tasty anyways."

"Ok now I'm just insulted."

Zote walked upstairs toward the bathroom. "They'll get along great."

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