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There was a extra room for Damien to sleep in Damion's house. Tomorrow he would have to go back to school, so he had to go to sleep at a good time.

He lied on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Damien tried to get some rest, but there's something in him that restrained his from doing so. Why had he been doing this to himself? Could it be his concerns about the dream the other night.

The reassuring words of Damion's appeared in his mind once more, but they didn't help him at all. He continued to ponder on it, until suddenly, he was out like a light.

He doesn't recall exactly how the dream started. The beginning of his dream was nothing abnormal. The dream would begin to carry out like any other, it wasn't different from anyone else's.

Until, at one point, the surroundings near him began to fade. His surroundings began to feel so familiar, yet there were somethings unknown. It was dark, but there was still some distantly dim light around him.

The ground beneath him developed into something else, glass. Panic struck him from inside, he took a step back. He could feel the glass cracking with ever step now. He felt as if he had been deprived of the air around him. It felt so real to him at that moment.

Just don't look down. You'll be fine.

He couldn't ignore it though, how fragile was the glass beneath him? What if it were to shatter, where would he fall? He was tempted to look downwards, to see just how fractured the floor was.

The pressure in his chest was overwhelming, consuming even. He didn't know what to do, would anything he did matter?

Reluctantly, he gave a quick glace to the surface below.

The only image his brain retained was the glare of his own reflection.

He felt a bolt of fear plague throughout him as his blood ran hot. He fell to his knees, and the glass continued to crack.

He glaced down once more, but when he looked down he didn't see himself. Where was his reflection?

"I'm right here, dumbass."

He instantly looked up in reaction, trying to tell were the voice came from.

He saw himself, and his stomach felt ill. He was actually here in front of him now. He didn't know what to do or say, he didn't know what he was like or what he would do. His voice cracked in desperation to say something, anything right now.

"Are you me?" He asked.

"I don't fucking know. Do I look like you?"

He can't answer that. They looked exactly the same, but he could quite say what made them so distinct.

"I don't know." the nauseousness in his stomach amplified.

"How the hell is it that hard for you? You're so fucking stupid." shouted his duplicate.

He acted nothing like him, almost as if he was an exact polar opposite of him. Damien could never imagine speaking to someone that ruthlessly. 

"You're like, a softie piece of shit. Of course you aren't me."

"I'm not...you? If I'm not you then who am I?"

Before Damien could get an answer from his nefarious copy, his copy harshly stomped on the floor.

The glass shattered beneath him.

He heavily panted upon waking up. It takes him a second to realize that it was in actuality, a dream.

It wasn't real.
But it felt real.

He checked the time.

It was only 2am.

[4 days until Husband's plan]

Yandere!Senpai x Reader [Bloody Thorns]Where stories live. Discover now