You know, like, nyaw

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"Hmm...what is taking him so long? I hope I am not to be left alone in class once more." said Zote, checking the time on his pocket watch. He has one purely because he thinks it's cool. He dreaded the thought of being left alone, but was spared from that very thought as he hear the creak of the classroom door. He turned his head immediately to see if it was his friend.

Zote froze in place, unable to even speak so much as half a word. He was so shocked by the strange changes in his friend. Had it even been him? Was he perhaps, still asleep? That had to have been it, because this occurrence was certainly rather curious.

"Hey Zote." his friend spoke slowly, sounding very confused himself.

"I..." Zote abruptly ended his words once more before trying to speak again. "What in the lord's name happened to you my friend?"

"Aha...about uh...that...."

Zote didn't seem to be the only one staring, either. The whole class was glaring at him, eerily silent the whole time.

"M-Maybe we can talk about that later? It's kinda embarrassing already..." Yura's ears flickered nervously.

Jesus, they can move too?

Zote spent most of homeroom trying to his friend's mind off of the classroom currently watching him like a hawk.

"Hey dude...can we like, skip first block? Maybe we can talk about it then?"

"I am no fan of how much you play with the rules so lightly, but I do suppose sitting in class and being stared like a zoo animal at is no fun."

"Yeah...we can just hang outside for a bit! That's it!"

The bell proceeded to ring, and the students one by one exited the classroom. Yura and Zote left as well, and proceeded to head toward the back of the school.

"Hm! Those C+ students are skipping class! What utter fools! If only they payed attention in class, maybe their grade stats would be higher!" said some dude that definitely won't be plot relevant in the background mockingly as he watched them walk out the school.

"Well, time to go to class. I need to go be a self righteous prick in my next block."

. . .

"So, have you any clue how this happened?" asked Zote, leaning against the tree.

"Not really, I just had a weird dream and poof! These ears and this tail just came!"

"And this dream...did you have them in there?"

"Don't remember, someone said I did though?"


"Me, I think."

"That is rather strange" Zote sighed. "This form you take, I'm not sure how it makes me feel."

"Hm? What do you mean by that?"

"It's making me feel...things. Unneeded, strange things."

"Eh? 'Feel things'? W-What does that mean?"

"I'll try to put it in words for your understanding. To put it simply, one might say you seem..." Zote glanced away while speaking, then decided to finish his statement. "...cute."

"You think I'm...cute?"

Zote attempted to cover his face, but it didn't really do him much good. His voice began to shake again, stammering as he spoke.

"No! No! I said uhm- I said one 'might'! Yes! I don't find you cute! It's just a way in which people may possibly see you! Yes! I did not call you-"

"C'mon! It's not like I mind. I can kinda get why you'd think that. I like cats too, cats are cute. I won't make a big deal outta it."

"Fine!" Zote stubbornly admitted, grumbling. "I do think you are somewhat appealing like this. There?"

"See? Now that wasn't such a biggie was it?"

"You best not use that against me, least you are to taste my wrath. Speaking of my wrath, however..." Zote trailed off.


"My 'Life Ender' has been confined in the teacher's classroom for too long. I made that weapon when I was a small boy, I cannot part from it! I had forgotten it, but I think the time has come to get it."

"Oh yeah! That's the wooden sword you used to carry around right?"

"Why yes, I need it to protect those who may be important to me. Like me! However, I do suppose there have been people who have become more...worthy of protection."

Yura's face lit up, and his tail wagged. "Huh? Really?"

"Do not get smug about your position in my heart, least you wish to get quickly removed from that list of those I wish to shield."

"Ah, ok then. Do you want me to help get your sword back though?"

"Why of course, I suppose I will need some aid. Though, I assume the best time to strike is when the teachers aren't in class."

"Lunch time would work, right?"

"Perhaps, though we are still to be careful. Some teachers still remain in class during lunch, much like our biology teacher."

"Yeah, she's kinda cool though."

"I do admit, she treats me kindly."

"So lunch time then, we going to the class of that teacher who snatched up your sword?"

"Yes, it seems so."

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