°asmr tobu beats you to a bloody pulp

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What is this place?

It was rather dull looking, with it's grey shades all around. He looked up to see strange creatures flying around near. Were they...bugs? They weren't like the bugs he had seen, though he has no room to talk.

There were three platforms just above him, a large center one and two smaller ones huddling closer to it's side.

He heard...complaining? He couldn't make out what the noise was exactly saying. Then, he saw it.

A large, horrific fly feasting on something.


That pale creature. The one that claimed to be him.

It was being eaten alive right before him, and surely the monstrous insect would finish it's meal soon.

He heard another noise behind him, the cries of dying critters. He turned around to see...

Another pale being, but this one looked ever so slightly different.

It's horns were perfectly symmetrical, and it's eyes were round. He didn't hear a single thing from the creature.

It simply moved through him, and up on top of the platforms.

It attacked the great beast, and the body of his "copy" collapsed to the ground beside Zote. The fly cried loudly, and sent itself soaring towards the silent knight.

"Hey! Get up!" He cried to the unconscious bug.


Could it not hear him?

He heard a loud roar, and an orange substance rained from above. The monstrous king fly had died.

The knight walked up beside Zote, but said nothing. His copy rised from the ground, and grumbled.

"Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey?" it spat.

The knight was unmoving, unbothered.

"Know this, cur. I am Zote the Mighty, a knight of great renown. Cross me again, and you'll find out why they call my weapon 'Life Ender'."


No, that creature-

It isn't him.

Surely that thing is here.

"Come out! Show yourself!"

Everything around began to fade, as the quiet knight left his sight.

No! This doesn't make sense. Nothing makes sense!


Zote gasped, startled by the voice.

"Calm down, what happened?"

It took him a moment to gain his bearings, but he took a deep breath.

He was awake. He

It was a dream.

He felt the warmth of someone's embrace.

"The dream..." he murmured. "The pale creature..."

"Shh, you're ok. It's over now."

"I'm not being tricked again, am I?"

"What? No, I wouldn't do that to you Zote. It's ok, they're not here."

"I'm sorry, it's just hard to tell. I just wish I could sleep without getting scared some nightmare monster is after me." Listening to his own words, he gave a low nervous chuckle. "That sounds so stupid...I wish that's what it was. A joke."

"Well." He could very clearly hear Yura's whispers. "I hope I help can make it feel at least a little better."

Zote couldn't think of anything to say, he tried to take his mind off of the dream.


"Wow, I didn't know that was a word you can say."


"Nope. Nevermind. You still have it in you."

"Have what?"

"Hmm..." Yura pondered. "You're still a hardhead."

"Change is hard, somethings are still strange to me."

"Like what?"


He heard Yura giggle. "What? Love?"

"Not exactly." Zote replied.


"I've spent so much of my life focusing on, well, myself. I don't know what it's like to care so much about someone else. I fear I won't be able to uphold the promise of...love."

"Zote..." Yura murmured. "...don't worry about it. It probably won't be any much different then from how it has been."


"I'd be lying if I said I had any dating experience. Like at all. We'll figure it out."

"That's the nicest way to assure me neither of us know what we're doing."

"Ouch. You're not wrong." Yura sighed. "Wait."


"You were friends Gundham before, and you cared about him. It can't be much different from that."

Zote blinked, filled with confusion.

"Who are you talking about?"

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