mental illness

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Yura woke up with a loud gasp

He clutched at his chest, his brain undergoing a form of sensory overload.

It felt like his brain's left and right side has been compressed together forcefully for him to feel. He stammered out of bed, and stumbled out to the hall- over toward the bathroom.

Did wherever he was gave any medicine?

He opened a drawer and fumbled around in search of painkillers, ibuprofen, anything.

He found a bottle of advil and had at it. He didn't quite bother to swallow with any water, and he coughed.

His vision felt blurry, as he looked down at the sink present there.

"Where the fuck am I?"

He tried to think, but everything still hurt.

He looked up the the mirror above.

He didn't see anything.

"It's..." He murmured to himself. "It's like he said."

He felt so out of this world, but he grasps at something.

"It's like...he said...the mirror thing."

He let out a loud sigh.

"Pretty fuckin' creepy if you ask me. Did I become a vampire overnight this time too?"

Then he noticed.

" animal ears." he squinted. "But..."

A figure shot upon the other side of the mirror from what seemed to be nowhere. It made him flinch, before he squinted at the figure he 's certain he just saw moments ago.

The dark figure mimicked his own.

"Hey...bucko..." said the reflection. "I dunno about you, but I'm not happy about what all just happened."

"Huh?" He groaned, still unable to fully remember.

"Ahh, whatever. Listen, kitty- wait." they held a hand near their chin. "The...the fuck? Who did that?"

They quickly sigh, and carry on.

" seems an old buddy has cut my script rather short, and if they continue to have their way...I might lose all of this."

"Why should I care...stupid...FUCKSHIT! Right! That." He yelled.

"Yes, yes, I'm getting there, calm down." The reflection groaned. "There's only one way this story ends...and you're the key."


"Face it, I saw that face you just had. Time and stuff hittin' you, the realization that I'm the bad guy and you gotta stop me?"

"Well, yeah." Replied the boy. "What about it?"

"Well, you're the one that knows all that right?" The figure said. "Hmphm. Be a shame if like, you, oh I dunno..."

"If I what?"

The mirror shatters right in front of him, as something black drips out from the cracks that held the reflection.

He dashed out from the bathroom, expecting the worst.

As he runs down the stairs, he stumbles on a single step, causing him to trip.

He falls down.

The darkness from the bathroom just seemed to have slowly followed him downstairs.

Eventually, the darkness towers over him, as he feels too pathetic to move.

"Now..." The figure spoke

"Doesn't every knight have a damsel in distress?"

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