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It was later in the day. Husband, out of frustration, had already been gone awhile now. Damion and Damien were still playing Mario Kart together.

"Hey...Damion?" said Damien, trying to get his attention.

"What's up this time?" He asked, still with a happy expression as always.

"Do you ever think about how weird our school is? It's bothering me."

"What are you talking about Damien?"

"Listen, please. You ever find it weird how nobody in this school passes? Most of the kids in their senior year aren't even kids anymore. Even when kids do leave our school, we don't seem to hear about them ever again. I just think it's kinda weird, that's all." A weight felt as if it was lifted from his chest.

"Oh Damien!" Damion said laughing. "You always worry about the silliest things. There's nothing wrong with our school, you need to relax every now and then dude." Damion patted his back, and brought his hand back to his controller.

"Anyways, you really need to teach me how to play Smash Ultimate, I'm really no good at this."

Yura and Zote were in the kitchen talking with each other. No matter how much they talk however, they can't seem to ignore the pressure that grew inside of them.

It was 5:00pm. It was getting late.
It slowly sank into them just how bad of an idea staying out was.

"You're worried too, aren't you?" Zote asked.

"Yeah." Yura sighed. "Damn, now I feel bad. I dragged you into this and now we're both in deep shit.

"Only I myself decided to do so, not you." replied Zote.

"Well, all we can do is hope we don't get killed."

Y/N sat at home, as they heard a knock at their door. It was her mother.

"Y/N? Have you seen Zote?"

"No ma'am." She replied.

"Whitty has been worried sick, I hope he's alright." said the woman.

Her mother left not long after.

She knew Whitty didn't give two damns. He just liked pulling legs for the hell of it.

At the front door of their home, there was a knock.

"Zote! Where have you been?"

Zote refused to speak to her.

The women apparently needed no reply, as she let the boy inside.

Whitty stood nearby, and said nothing yet. He did however, glare at him. It made his stomach twist inwards out. He could tell. When Whitty's mother isn't looking, he's gonna get to the bottom of who ever he's hanging out with. Whitty won't even allow him to be within ten feet of Yura when he's done.

Y/N knew she would get her ass dragged into this too. She was also out last night. The more she thought, the more Whitty was becoming an issue to her.

Whitty would be dealing with them soon, and they wished he wouldn't bother over the smallest things.

Yura would rather not be coming back here, but he had no choice right? He had to come back to see someone he feared.

He slowly opened the door, trying not to alert him immediately.
He walked inside, his father had been making himself food. He wish he could avoid talking altogether. What the hell would he say? He's practically buried himself six feet under.


He turned his head around to look at him.

"Where the hell have you been?"

"Well, I stayed over at someone's house last night and I thought you wouldn't mind." He lied.

"And you didn't bother to tell me at all? Or answer any of your calls?" His father interrogated.

"I still haven't received my phone back from school. I couldn't."

His father gave a heavy sigh, before speaking again. "I don't want to look at you right now. Go to your room." he said with a rather harsh shout.

He did as said, and walked out of the room to his own. What was wrong with him? What made him think it was a good idea? So he could hang out with his friend more? Was he selfish?

He thought back to the conversation he and Zote had at school. It was nice to talk to someone about his concerns with. He actually felt safe talking to him, along with Damion and Damien as well.

He checked his closet. He hid something there a long time ago. He had only just now been reminded of it, thanks to the other day.

It was his other father's jacket. A green hoodie with red details here and there. His father hadn't worn it the night he died. He didn't want to remember, he would rather ignore it.

He did like the jacket however, despite how old it was. He wondered if his other father would scold him for wearing it. Hell, he would likely scold him for just having the damn thing.

He decided to put it on anyway. He should just have a jar for every time he fucks himself over. He stood near his open window and lit a cigarette.

"What the hell do you want this time." spat Y/N with an aggressive look.

"You two have been wondering off from me, seeing who knows what, and are staying away from home longer then you should." Whitty said, glaring down at them both.
He continued, as he locked his eyes on Zote.

"Zote, you left for a whole damn day. I want to know where the hell you were."

"I went to go hang out with some very nice people and took shelter there for the night. I'm fine!" Zote argued.

"Who were you out with? I need names, you shouldn't be letting these hooligans influence you." hissed Whitty.

"Oh like you give a damn." Y/N muttered.

"I'm sorry, do you mind telling me that again?"

"Yeah, I'll say it loud and clear asshole! You don't scare me." Y/N pulled down the mask that covered the lower half of her face.

"You wanna make sure we depend on you so you can use us. You won't let us see anyone, you act like you're my fucking dad-" Y/N went off.

"Oh yeah? Well if you think you know what's so good for you why are you trying to hang out with a killer, huh?" Whitty asked.

"You have no idea. You think I care about him? Get lost!" Y/N cringed as she looked at her disgusting brother.

"You're such a bad influence, look at what you've made Zote do? Do you know how worried I was? How worried mom was?"

"Ugh!" Y/N clawed at her head. "You don't care! I'm so fucking tired of you! You know what? You better prepare your ass, because tomorrow evening? You're gonna wish you never pissed me off." Y/N stormed off to the door, Zote slowly followed. He didn't want to be here any longer either.

What was Y/N planning though?

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