Shit happens

138 2 7

Zote o I
V d

Zote and Yura were talking in the hallways, waiting for the next block to start.

"Hey Zote, how did you get into warrior cats?"

"Hmm? I actually cannot recall, it must have started so long ago." Zote replied.

"Yeah I guess it happens to the best of us"

There was a blood curdling scream in the distance.


It could have only been one person, though this happened every now and then.

Mrs. Nightshade, the "best" and only matchmaker of this school, often got themselves in rather dangerous situations. In which, out of some bullshit reasoning, they usually get out of.

She came dashing through the halls, arms dramatically swinging side to side, like how a anime girl comes late to school.

"What did she do this time?"

"Beats me, though knowing this goes most of the time, we're likely about to find out." Yura peaked around the corner, watching the girl as she ran. He slowly begins to follow.

"Hey, don't we have more important matters?" Zote asked.

"What, you mean school? I didn't ever give a shit about class, you know that. Besides, this could be funny as hell."

"I suppose." Zote could really care less about class as well honestly, so they trailed the girl.

Outside the front of the school, she panted and attempted to catch her breath. They stood by the front door to the school.

Suddenly, the door behind them was busted down. There stood a skeleton wearing drip and shades.

"H-Hey Damion..." said Nightshade.

"Give me my fucking money you bitch :>" he pulled out a glock "or say your fucking prayers. You think you can kick me like a puppy? I'll crack your fucking skull. Your matchmaking skills won't get you out of this hot ass mess!"

"A-Ah...I don't have it...sorry!"

"The only thing you'll be sorry about once I'm done with you is that you thought picking with me was a good idea. Night night asshole!"

Damion turned back to notice Zote and Yura. "Oh hey there! This bitch thinks she can fuck with me whenever she wants."

"Clearly you should have payed more attention to Precept Fifty-Five, 'Bow to No-one'. Nevertheless, I do pity you." Zote's voice was stern.

"Wanna help me fuck her up?"

"Lmaoooo ok"

They threw her in front of a moving bus and then kicked the shit out of her. Damion shot her foot, and her back. Even when she was dead, they continued to beat the shit out of her for about an hour or so.

"So, should we just bury her or?"

"Oh nah, I'm gonna take her rotting corpse as a trophy! And likely fuck it up, sell some body parts, experiment with it."

"Well, it's almost the end of the day, so I guess we'll be leaving now."

"You two take care! You're some real ones!"

Zote and Yura went to hang out at the chirry blossom tree at the back of the school.

"You wanna know what's weird? I'm supposed to be in Russia, yet I have no clue as to why I'm in Japan."

"Same could be said for me, I actually cannot recall how long I've been here. Though I have no specific home, I left my nest long ago."

"I'd like to hear about t-"

Suddenly, magic.

Some weird magic bullshit was happening on the ground. Weird symbols and all that crap. A hand rose from the soil beneath. It was someone they hardly recognized, though it became more clear as he dug himself from the ground up.


LMAO cliffhanger

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