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[5 days until Husband's plan]

It was Sunday, Y/N steadily got out of her bed. She went to the bathroom to get a shower.

She glaced the mirror. She saw herself, and no one else.

Just as she should.

She made sure to be quick with her shower, she had plans today. Something was in her way, and she can't sit idly anymore.

About an hour later, she told her mother she would leave the house to see a friend. She paid no mind, as she usually does.

It had been a while, but she still knew the way. It wasn't too far after all.

Senpai was still at home. He's had nothing to do for so long. Y/N won't answer his calls, and he's lost track of time. He didn't want to assume the worst.

Where had she been? Had it been a month, maybe two since she came that night? He honestly couldn't tell.

There was a knock at his window pane. He twisted his head to see who could be causing it.

"Y/N!" He yelped.

"Open the window, we need to talk." he heard her say.

While there was a sense of hope, he also felt dread. Why had Y/N been gone so long? Had she any idea what it had done to him? Did Y/N not care for him anymore?

He opened the window, and Y/N crawled in.

"Senpai." She spoke quietly. "I'm so sorry I haven't been seeing you."

"Y/N? Are you ok?" He asked.

"I-" she seemed to choke on her own words. "Senpai, it hurt me to not see you for so long." he could hear her pained voice.

"What happened? I got so worried!"

"S-Senpai" she stammered " brother. He found out I went out to see you, and he's kept me from seeing you. I-" tears stained her clothing.

Senpai opened his arms, and Y/N allowed his embrace.

"I'm so sorry..." He whispered. "I'm so sorry..."

"He- last night" she tried to say the words through her uncontrollable emotions. "He hurt me, Senpai. He hurt me."

"What?" The tone in his voice changed from remorse to pure shock.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do. I just want to hang out with you again, but he-" her sobbing once again halted her speech.

"He shouldn't- no. He won't. Listen, don't worry anymore. You don't have to cry. Please calm down, I'll try to do something." he said, in an attempt to sooth her.

"T-Thank you." She choked once more. "I don't know if I could take even one more day of it."

They sat there for about a few more minutes.

"Listen, I want you to go back home for now. We'll meet again tomorrow, ok?"

"Alright..." She left his arms and went to leave from the window again.

"I promise when we next meet he won't be there to stop you."

"Thank you." She turned her head away from him as she crept out again.

It wasn't hard for her to get what she wanted. One way or another, there will be a boy that adores her.

Praises her, would go out of moral bounds for her.

A boy so foolish isn't hard to deceive.

No matter how dangerous they may be.

Lol yeah you're wondering wtf is gonna happen get ready for weird 12 yr old shit

Yandere!Senpai x Reader [Bloody Thorns]Where stories live. Discover now