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He had yet to open his eyes, and he felt himself on cold ground.

He heard someone calling to him.

"Hey! Hey!"

His eyes slowly creaked open, as he saw a familiar rat shouting at him.


The boy groans, as his hand claws at the ground. It felt as if he had been laying in a patch of grass.

He slowly comes to terms with his surroundings. He was laying in a patch of grass, but everything here was white. He looks up to the rat, who's darker colors contrasted the environment.

"Mad Rat..." Zote coughed out. "...where are we?"

"Hell if I know!" Mad Rat spat. "But we ain't dead, that's for sure. Or, maybe we are...this place is so fuckin' bright...and with no sign of structures or anything from here."

Zote sat up from where he had woke up, and looked around.

"Where's...Damion and Husband?"

"I haven't seen them." Mad Rat replied. "You don't think something happened to them, do you?"

"I..." Zote sighed, as he stood up now. His limbs felt rusty, he wondered. "Did we fall?"

"Of course we did! It was pretty damn trippy." Mad Rat squeaked. "No telling how far we fell, it's a blessing we don't take fall damage!"

"Har, har..." Zote said. "Still, I think we should start looking for Husband and Damion."

"Yeah." Mad Rat huffed. "Strange though, isn't it? I mean, I dunno what I expected...but it sure wasn't this."

"I..." Zote stopped before even replying. "This feels...familiar..."

"How so?"

"It feels like one of those dreams...but..." Zote squinted at the rat. "You're...real. You're here. I don't think we're dreaming."

"I hope not, or worse, in limbo or some crap!"

"Well, let's get going." Zote said, as he walked ahead.

"You sure there's anything out here?"

"Only one way to find out."

They walked through the seemingly endless white abyss, as Mad Rat felt the grass beneath his feet. His ears perked up, as he caught an upcoming gentle breeze.

"What's that?" Zote asked. As he glimpsed ahead of him, he saw a few pretty pink petals fall beneath him. One landed on top of Mad Rat's tiny head.

"Ack!" He squeaked out. "Stupid...plant thing..."

The road changed to a simple trail ahead, and they followed along. As Zote travels further in this direction, he sees something familiar.

A sakura tree, one just like the one that once stood behind Yandere High.

"Ah..." Zote muttered.

"Uh, this mean something?" The rodent asked.

"Well..." As Zote approached the tree, he noticed something in front of the tree.

A small grave.

"What in the world?" Mad Rat squeaked.

'Here lies Boyfriend, forever a restless soul."

"Husband..." Zote muttered once more.

"Yeah?" He heard a voice call. Zote turned his head left and right, trying to find the source.

The voice let out a loud sigh, and revealed himself from behind the tree.

"Husband!" Zote called out. "You're ok!"

Yandere!Senpai x Reader [Bloody Thorns]Where stories live. Discover now