°localized entirly within your kitchen?

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God, the air in this room.

Hardly opening his eyes, he sat up in bed. Zote coughs, feeling slight disgust.

"...you're up."

He turned to see who spoke. His friend was seated just across the room, looking up from his phone.


"Are you feeling any better?"

He tried moving his legs.

"Yeah, I feel fine for now at least."

His friend moved over to him and sat on the bed.

"What time is it?"

"It's early in the afternoon. Did you get any nightmares again?"

"Not at all."

Zote eyed the walls around, trying to think of how he would even speak to him after last night. There's no way he could act like it just never happened.

He decided he would hurry and get it out of the way.

"When I attacked you...I heard the voice from my dream."


"I didn't want to hurt you, but limb of my body moved on its own."

His friend sighed.

"And this was all after that dream you talked about, right?"


"Well, you wanna talk about it? I made a promise, y'know."

"Well..." Zote tried to think back to his dream. "There was the flower, and that small pale thing again."

"A flower?"

"That part wasn't too awfully important. The creature made a comparison between me and the flower, called me weak again."

"Damn, then what?"

"It claimed it was me, told me to return to my former self. I refused. It turned into that horrible dark creature again."

"Hey, wait." Yura stopped him. "If it's not too much to ask, can you do something for me?"

"What is it?"

Yura got up from the bed and walked over to his desk. He dug through his drawers and came back with a pencil and paper. He laid it beside his friend.

"You don't have to but...I was wondering something about both of those figures. Can you give me a picture?"

"I...sure. I'll try to, at least."

Zote picked up both and dedicated a few minutes towards scribbling his memories of what we saw.

"Why do I remember it so well?"


"The dream. Dreams are often a blur for me, but these ones...they feel so real."

He handed the paper to his friend.

He handed the paper to his friend

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His friend giggled a little.

"What? I'm know I'm not that great at drawing."

"No, no it's not that. I find it funny that the small one on the right claimed it was you."

"Now that I think of it, it is sorta silly."

"Well, I can kinda see it. You have weirdly pointy hair things that could look like horns."

"Oh shut up."

"It's fine. I think they're neat."

"Well, thanks I guess."

"That dark one though..."

"What about it?"

"Nevermind. What did it tell you?"

"It promised me and you a better life."

"A better life?"

"Outside of this town. It lied to me." Zote met his friend's gaze. "Promise me just one more thing."

"Wow, making a lot of promises today huh-"

"I'm not joking."

"Oh?" His friend frowned.

"Never leave this town."


"When I said it lied to me...we would have died Yura. It told me."

He didn't say anything, but his expression said everything. A mixture of fear and anger.

"Who would do something like that to you?"

Zote couldn't quite think of anyone that held such a grudge against them, aside from Husband of course.

"I changed my mind, these dreams might be a bigger deal then I thought they were."

"I'll just ignore it next time, it's fine."

"Zote, I think whatever was in your dreams did more then you think it did."

"Maybe...but I wouldn't like burdening you with my issues. Especially when they hurt you."

"Your issues are my issues. I wouldn't want that weird ass dream doing this to you again." Be nearly shouted the last of his words.

"See, I hate for you to get angry because of me."

"Zote, there's no way in hell I'm mad because of you. I'll find out what's doing this to you."

"It's probably just my mind and that alone. There's no use."

"...I'm not so sure about that."

Zote narrowed his eyes.

"What do you mean."


He looked down to see his friend's hand has formed into a fist.

"Smoking really isn't helping my nerves. I have a better idea."


"I'm gonna go out again."

"Wait, I want to come with you."

"Uh...I'm not sure if you're exactly down to do what I'm gonna go out for."

"Regardless, I wish to come. This room's air is no good for me anyways."

"Ahaha, I should have thought of that. Sorry."

"You were only concerned for me. Where are we going?"

"Well, somewhere I used to go to a lot whenever I was upset. It was a bad habit, really."

"You never seem to let down those, do you?"

"Would you expect any less of me?"

"I wish I could."

"Well come on then, it's still light out."

Yandere!Senpai x Reader [Bloody Thorns]Where stories live. Discover now