°might as well be called gay thorns

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Yura helped himself to the couch in the living room as the rat chomped away on the glorious cheese.

"So...you're a dead rat?"

"Well duh."

"I don't know why you were scared of me eating you then, that sounds gross."

"I can't help it, cats are just...I can't like them. Unless they're Heart."

"Heart? Your heart?"

"Well, he's my Heart but he isn't my heart."

"I don't get it."

"Don't bother then."

The rat looks up from his cheese to get a good look at the boy.

"So you're the boy he talked about?"

"Huh? What'd he say?"

They hear a door open upstairs.

"I think he's out." He said, looking at the staircase.

They saw the pale haired boy walk down toward them, his hair still damp.

"Wow, your little hair horns still stay up like that even after that?" asked Yura.

"What, is it weird?"

"I think it's a little funny, but like not in a bad way."

"You think everything is funny."

"Hey! Zote! Can you please get me away from your friend now? He's giving me the creeps."

"Alright, alright. Yura, would you like to come to my room?"

"Oh, yeah." He stood up from the couch.

Zote looked down at the rat. "And you, keep the music down."


Zote walked back upstairs, in which his friend followed.

"So, what do you usually do when you get home?" Yura queried.

"Ah...sometimes I write. Sometimes I draw." Zote entered his room, a realized how disorderly it was. "I wish you didn't have to see it like this."

"It's clean compared to mine."

"I'd imagine." Zote sat down on his bed. "You still smell like smoke."

"What, you want me to go take a shower now?"

"Oh no. I don't trust you in my bathroom."

"Wow, that's brutally honest."

Zote stared at Yura. "You don't have to stand just there, you know. You can sit down here too."

"You trust me in your room and not your bathroom?"

"You were here before, weren't you? I expect you to behave the same."

"Ok, ok, chill." Yura moved around the bed to sit on the other side.

Zote looked around the room and glanced the mirror again. He shuttered.

"You ok?"

"Yeah...just..." Zote sighed. "...I forgot to tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"This morning, when I woke you up. I couldn't see my reflection."

"That's...weird." Yura frowned.

"I wouldn't be too worried about it. I don't think it's really...bad."


"The thing that claimed to be my copy, I refuted them. I think it has something to do with that. It's almost...relieving now that I think about it?"

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