Among us

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It was about their 5th block now, and Damion and Damien were supposed to be on their way to the cafeteria soon. There were still thoughts from earlier however that made their way back to Damion's mind. The sudden disappearance of the past students in this school, had anything ever caused them? Their weird entrapment in this school? It couldn't be some coincidence, right?

"Damion, are you ok?" asked Damien, seeming worried as always.

"Well, I've been thinking about that talk we had last night. Y'know, about the school and all?" Damion sighed. "It's getting on my nerves, that's all."

"Huh? Oh, maybe I shouldn't have had you talk about it then. Now I feel bad..."

"No, it's not like that. I've been thinking about those missing students a lot and well, I kinda wanna find out what happened." Damion admitted.

"Huh? Really?" Damien sounded astonished. This was one of the first time he's seen his boyfriend be so serious.

"With this town, it's just one mystery after the next with no explanation. And, if I'm being honest, I'm kinda scared of what may have happened to those students. They may have just moved or something, but the way everyone reacted to them leaving is weird."

"Y-Yeah. Do you think we would...actually find something though?"

"Well, I guess you never know if you don't try. I think it's worth a shot." Damion replied. "Maybe if we try askin' like, a teacher that likes us or something? They might know something about it, right?"

"Well, I'll be honest Damion, I'm not sure if any teacher considers you a 'class favorite'" Damien commented.

"Damn! Low blow! You're right though, I won't have any luck with that." Damion scratched his head.

"If you want though, I think I can try. I don't really like stuff like this, 
but something tells me those students might have had something bad happen to them."

"Woah woah, now I wouldn't go that far! Maybe the teach' will just tell us they moved or something!"

"I really hope so." said Damien, with a sigh.

Lunch time came again, and they really hopes to catch a teacher that'll tell them something around this time. They went to their biology teacher, since Damien was treated quite nicely by her. Damien looked at his beloved one more time, before walking in the classroom.

"I'll be right out here, ok man?" said Damion.


Upon entering that classroom, the chattering outside seemed to quiet, as if it were nothing more than a background noise. It almost felt like time froze in place. The air in this room was noticeably colder then other rooms. The biology teacher always preferred her room this way, which always has a selective few in class complain.

The teacher was still sat in her desk, keeping herself busy with school work. She was softly humming to herself, somehow filled of glee even as she worked.

Damien rose his voice, "Hello?"

The lady perked her head up to notice the demon. After seeing the boy, she instantly grinned. "Oh! Damien! How are you doing today sweetie?"

"There was just something I wanted to ask you, if that doesn't bother you."

"Oh sure! Do you need any help with the work for tonight? Maybe you need to arrange tutoring sometime this week? I'm here for you if you need me!" the teacher got out of her desk momentarily as she spoke.

"W-Well, it isn't something like that. I've just been worried about someone and I wanted to ask something..."

"Hm? Whoever could you feel worried about?" asked the lady.

Damien tried to remember the name of the boy Damion had brought up yesterday, and then spoke.

"You see, I've been really scared for HERO recently. I haven't seen him in so long now, and it's starting to get to me."

The teacher's head tilted in confusion for a moment, before smiling once more.

"Oh Damien, you poor, poor thing! You must have had a nightmare or something this morning!"

"Huh? What do you-"

"Nobody named HERO has ever gone to this school!"

"What do you mean? I remember him, I-"

"Like I said, you must have had a strange dream this morning! Now you've got your little head stressed over someone who doesn't exist!" said the teacher, still carefree. Her cheerful expression was almost uncanny. It started to make Damien feel sick.

"Then...can I ask something else?"

"Whatever could be on your mind now Damien?"

"Even the grade A students never seem to pass in this school...why is that?"

"Damien, you must have hit your head really hard! Don't you remember? This is all your final year in high school! You're all eighteen and you're finally about to be going out into the real world!"

"No! That can't be right!" Damien nervously protested, his voice becoming slightly louder. "We've been here way too long, it's really starting to bother me."

"You should stop worrying then, it's really nothing to be so frightened about! I think you should head to lunch and see your friends, I have some work I need to finish up soon." the teacher walked back to her desk. "Though if those dreams continue to trouble you, you can always see the counselor!"

"It's nothing like that though!" Damien stammered. "There's nothing wrong with me-"

"You should go to lunch, Damien. I'm quite busy right now." said the lady, her eerie smile still permanently plastered on her face. She looked back at her papers and began to hum once more.

Damien left the classroom, feeling ill. Damion noticed that his boyfriend had returned, and smiled. "Hey Damien! Did you have any luck?"

When Damion smiled, he couldn't seem to look him in the eye. It brought his thoughts back to that almost unearthly woman.

"I..." he couldn't speak at that moment.

"Oh...we can talk about it at lunch dude. You don't look too hot right now."

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