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It was home room. All of the school was quiet, only because it was so early. Senpai walked in, slow and uncaring. He knew he wouldn't see his darling Y/N until third period even if he skipped his classes. He saw Zote in the distance, who was for some odd reason alone this morning.

He was so bored, he almost considered messing with him. But no, he weren't worth his time. There were a few other people here, but none of them mattered either. He pulled out his phone, ignoring Mr. Aizawa telling him to put his phone away. He scrolled through his instagram. Then he stalked at all of Y/N's accounts again.

The door swung open loudly, and he looked up with a mean stare. Boyfriend walked in, and Senpai felt his heart stop for a fraction of a second as he saw the man he'd killed in cold blood. Then he forced the feeling back remembering the other day. As much as he tried not to show it, Boyfriends revival took him off guard. He still couldn't understand why Boyfriend hadn't turned him in.

The blue haired boy sauntered over to his seat, and dropped his bag to the floor. He sat behind Sans, who barely lifted a lid of his eye-socket in recognition. God, two of his problems Senpai though gravely annoyed.

Keith set a pathetic little glare around the room, and his eye's met his own for a moment. Black meeting blue, in a stare. Then Boyfriend looked away as if it hadn't mattered and Senpai felt his blood boiling at the perceived slight. He got up from his seat, the metal legs shrieked loudly on the ground. He saw Sans and Keith exchange some words he couldn't hear. Either he was going death or the angry beating of his own heart was too loud.

Keith looked up at him dully. He was even more wretched after his death, Senpai thought. Maybe he had managed to rot his nonexistent brain out. Senpai hadn't realized he was half way across the room until he was.

"I thought you wouldn't have known to stay away from here after what happened." Senpai said with clear venom.

Sans sat up a bit to watch the show. A few of the girls in the classroom were chittering amongst themselves. Keith rolled his eyes.

"Think you're all that? I'm not scared of you." He remarked. "In fact," Getting up, he stood to his full height and took it upon himself to get into Senpai's personal space.

"Maybe you should watch your step." Without meaning to Senpai back peddled. The girls in the background almost cheered. His face grew red.

"Why you disgusting little imp!" He squealed growled.

Senpai grabbed the hair on the left side of Boyfriends head, congealed blood and bandage knotting under his grasp. Boyfriend sharply gasped. As Senpai was yanking though Mr. Aizawa stepped in quickly grabbing Senpai by the scruff of his uniform.

"Detention, both of you." He said lowly.

Yandere!Senpai x Reader [Bloody Thorns]Where stories live. Discover now